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Minigames and Deathrun - Printable Version

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Minigames and Deathrun - Russian - May 12 2012

  I have suggestions for our upcoming or so Ive heard, Deathrun server and for our successful minigames server.
For our deathrun server we should definately have lower gravity for better bunny hopping, thus making the course quicker and more exciting. Also not more than  3 T's per map. Most deathrun servers that are popular only usually have 1 T at a time.
  And now for our minigames server. Personally ive noticed that when a course map comes on, (any saw map, office course, or any other map you eventually suicide on) most players tend to hold back or even leave the server. I believe this is because of the points lost when you commit suicide. It would be greatly appreciated if the suicide points loss were decreased or even removed for the better of the server. Thank-you for your time.

RE: Minigames and Deathrun - s p a c e - May 12 2012

+1 I would probably be rank 1 if it wasn't for all the time I have "For Narnia" and killed myself. derp.

RE: Minigames and Deathrun - i cri everytiem - May 12 2012

I would like to have some ideas, can you show me them?

Edit: MG maps post here: http://war-lords.net/cs-server-news/minigames/

Deathrun, just post it here.

RE: Minigames and Deathrun - Platform - May 12 2012

I like these idea, I tend to play 2 or 3 rounds on a course map before I go to spectator lol. But the low gravity on the deathrun server.... wouldnt that make it less fun?

RE: Minigames and Deathrun - Haxii - May 23 2012

Personally, I think low gravity would ruin deathrun. There's a very fine line between being able to trick the Ts into using a trap and being agile enough to dodge it. If you want to make deathrun more exciting I suggest a killswitch that kills all the CTs within a specific time span if they're not progressing fast enough in the map (sort of like the green mist that spawns in Iceworld after a certain amount of time has passed); this way they'll be forced to move quickly or die trying.

On the subject of course maps, I honestly don't think people care about the points. People usually tend to enjoy maps they are good at. Since a lot of people suck at course maps (like, really, REALLY suck) they are usually against voting for or even playing in them. I've also noticed that mg server players usually prefer gun based mini games, so being on a map were the only real action is jumping and dodging can be seen as idiotic by them.

and uh....yeah, that's my opinion on that.

RE: Minigames and Deathrun - Russian - May 23 2012

Any news on these opinions yet?

RE: Minigames and Deathrun - mar_heave - May 27 2012

How about minigame 1 for movement skill maps or other maps that do killing...(no gameME)
and minigame 2 for maps that add points.

RE: Minigames and Deathrun - Russian - May 27 2012

Good idea. But where would all the points we have now on Mg go? It would be tough for the roots to transfer EVERY SINGLE PERSONS stats from 1 server with OVER 20,000 peoples scores stored. Good suggestion  but needs to be thought through.

RE: Minigames and Deathrun - silly - May 28 2012

Interesting idea, but I think that there are already more popular options for what kind of server should be set up next.

RE: Minigames and Deathrun - Matt - May 28 2012

Like CS:GO servers Tongue.