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Scrim/War SourceTV Voice Bug - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Scrim/War SourceTV Voice Bug (/thread-7428.html)

Scrim/War SourceTV Voice Bug - ceddeeoo - May 28 2012

All scrims recorded by the SourceTV in the Scrim/War servers are unable to record voice in-game. Instead, you can hear robotic noises when someone speaks and you are forced to turn it off. Is there any way you guys can fix this ? I'd like hear to hear people's strats and people raging when they lose and that sorta deal Tongue

RE: Scrim/War SourceTV Voice Bug - Riser - May 28 2012

Restart CSS, always works for me.
If that doesn't work, try reading this:
http://steamcommunity.com/groups/wlsb/a ... 6610631142

RE: Scrim/War SourceTV Voice Bug - ceddeeoo - May 28 2012

that worked ! thanks