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Mount and Blade : Warband - Printable Version

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Mount and Blade : Warband - Russian - Jun 03 2012

So, I got this new game on steam to play with my friends from school and you know, get gooood. I was just wondering if any of you guys on here have this game and if so, you should help me out , I'm a newbie! I heard the learning curve for that game is steeper than it is for CSS  :o. Anyway tell me if you've ever heard of this game or played it. [move]russian out[/move]

RE: Mount and Blade : Warband - Lieutenant Josh - Jun 03 2012

I play this one a bit actually, Mount and Blade regular though is much simpler.
A couple tips, one, when ur aiming your sword to swing at someone from a horse, u either have to be right next to them, or dont swing right at the ground, that was the most annoying thing for me when i first played this game.  Second, cheat bro, having all the cash and best armor and weapons makes the game alot more enjoyable, first time around its nice to go around the map as a poor person doing this quest and that, but second or third play thru, it gets really boring having the crappy armor and getting ass raped by the computers higher overpowered units.

RE: Mount and Blade : Warband - JackMonroe - Jun 03 2012

There is a battle sizer mod you should use if you have a good computer.  Lets you have much larger battles.  I usually use a spear as my weapon if I am riding a horse.  Just time it right so you attack while riding by people and you should kill them pretty easily.

RE: Mount and Blade : Warband - Russian - Jun 03 2012

Im getting better and quick. I made it into the Ra clan and have practiced and practiced. I will be taking a brake from CSS for a while and if you see a person on your friends list name Ra_Russian its me.