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Cpu problems ( 100% utilized ) - Printable Version

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Cpu problems ( 100% utilized ) - Cas Beep Beep Im A Jeep - Jun 19 2012

Well, since the past few days, my cpu has been really high ( 70-100% ) non-stop. I really don't know what to do and this is pretty frustrating because i can't play css at all unless i'm ready to play and freeze every 2 seconds =/.
This is what it looks like : http://i49.tinypic.com/29xy8vo.jpg
So yeah, any help would be really helpful because i really wanna play css again :/.

oh and btw, i use windows 7

Edit : oh btw i'm using a laptop.

RE: Cpu problems ( 100% utilized ) - Assassin - Jun 19 2012

maybe its a heating problem ? anyway naive might know

RE: Cpu problems ( 100% utilized ) - i cri everytiem - Jun 19 2012

Dude, I have the same exact problem, help would be welcomed.

RE: Cpu problems ( 100% utilized ) - M. Bison - Jun 19 2012

click processes and list it by cpu-usage. I can't see which process is using all your cpu.  :o

RE: Cpu problems ( 100% utilized ) - Cas Beep Beep Im A Jeep - Jun 19 2012

I got the pics coming up, but thing is, it's not normal, programs such as google chrome and steam only took me like 15k-20k, but now they are taking me like 60-80k :/

Anyway, here are the pics :

Btw, those are pics i sent a bit earlier to george, so they're not classed by cpu-usage.

1st : http://i48.tinypic.com/v7yz3q.jpg
2nd : http://i50.tinypic.com/28vv9js.jpg

EDIT: Oh and, just found out i've had a trojan on my laptop since 2010 lmfao. did my first scan in like 2 years loool.

RE: Cpu problems ( 100% utilized ) - naive - Jun 20 2012

It's probably a virus using you to mine bitcoin or some other nefarious purpose that needs your cpu.

I never trust a system once it has been compromised by a virus. If you have to, I would try running nod32 antivirus to start + myriad of other tools. It takes forever to run scans and they still can't be trusted fully to get everything. I would back up critical irreplacable data to an external drive, format the machine, and install windows from scratch. If the amount of memory used by programs seems to have doubled, it is possible you had a stick of ram die also. I would check that out.