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Resolved Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Resolved Ban Appeal (/thread-7854.html)

Ban Appeal - TheBlueRabbiT - Jul 05 2012

i was vote off for wall hacking but i didnt wall or nthing i was i am a legit player i never wall hacked or nthing you can spectate me but i never done nthing wrong but people still say i did but havent i knw some said i didnt they said " No he isnt leave him alone and he doenst wall hack he is a legit player i havent done nthing wrong i been playing for 6months and no hacks or nthing why all a sudden i am well kown aswell :S

can i be unbanned please
Steam ID

RE: Ban Appeal - Izzie - Jul 05 2012

It's a little hard for me to understand your post, but if you were banned by popular vote, please read this.

A quick search on sourcebans showed two just instances of ban evasion dated today.
Seeing as I'm unfamiliar with how that plugin works, please wait for a senior admin to investigate.

Meanwhile, which server were you "votebanned" on?

RE: Ban Appeal - TheBlueRabbiT - Jul 06 2012

It was on 24/7 cs-office

RE: Ban Appeal - M. Bison - Jul 06 2012

Hello TheBlueRabbiT,

This ban is a direct result of a cheating infraction some months ago. Your previous ban appeal is the following: http://war-lords.net/threads/ban-appeal-tyrent-bigboss.5203/

-M. Bison

RE: Ban Appeal - TheBlueRabbiT - Jul 07 2012

I dresser another chance please I been playing on the sever last 3 months and I have changed can u give me a chance please I done nothing since the three months I been playing can u give me a chance I beg forgiveness Sad it won't happen again cuz I been active last 3months since April

RE: Ban Appeal - M. Bison - Jul 07 2012


Yeah, this ban won't be lifted.