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Resolved Polotsk's Mute Appeal - Printable Version

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Polotsk's Mute Appeal - polotsk #simplyamazing - Jul 19 2012

[SIZE=12px]Name: polotsk[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]SteamID: [/SIZE][SIZE=12px]STEAM_0:0:34859036[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]Server: Currently affected on all servers by the mute issued on me.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12px]Hi, I believe I've been muted 33000 hours. I'm not sure what the exact amount was because this was over 1 month ago. However, I just started to play CS;S over the summer again and I'd like to have my mute lifted. The reason I believe I got muted was because I kept spamming on the voicechat or spamming in the textchat. However I took it up a notch because I said that "Riser" one of the admins currently on the war-lords servers has a small penis. I repeatedly kept saying he had a small penis until he lengthened my mute. You may be wondering how I was able to chat if already muted, I chatted through changing my name. My actions were very disrespectful and childish and looking back at it one month later, I can't help but wonder why? To conclude, an accident like this will never happen again and rather I will respect the staff. I'm deeply sorry if I offended Riser and apologize for that. I did mean to show a lack of respect at the time which I should've never done and regret my actions. Sorry Riser.[/SIZE]

RE: Polotsk's Mute Appeal - Lieutenant Josh - Jul 19 2012

Yeah, thats pretty much a bannable offense dude, i was banned for telling an admin to fuck off once, your just lucky you got muted and riser is nice.

RE: Polotsk's Mute Appeal - polotsk #simplyamazing - Jul 19 2012

Lieutenant Josh, post: 68539, member: 946 Wrote:Yeah, thats pretty much a bannable offense dude, i was banned for telling an admin to fuck off once, your just lucky you got muted and riser is nice.

Thanks, It's always great to hear from others. Are you some admin or are you Confucius? Big Grin Out of curiosty, which admin banned you? And yes, Riser is a nice and cool guy. He's dealed with a lot of my shit before. Could've banned me several times but never has. Cool kid. Either way, I made this appeal with the intention of getting my mute lifted. I regretted the actions I made that day.

RE: Polotsk's Mute Appeal - Riser - Jul 19 2012

You gotta be in game for me to unmute you or wait till Bison sees this.

RE: Polotsk's Mute Appeal - M. Bison - Jul 19 2012

It's up to riser.

Riser, post: 68545, member: 992 Wrote:You gotta be in game for me to unmute you.
This is the only way atm. :confused:

RE: Polotsk's Mute Appeal - i cri everytiem - Jul 19 2012

I have banned you, I have warned you many times, but seems like you like to ignore admins, anyway, just saying.

RE: Polotsk's Mute Appeal - polotsk #simplyamazing - Jul 19 2012

Riser, post: 68545, member: 992 Wrote:You gotta be in game for me to unmute you or wait till Bison sees this.
aigh I'm in America right now, different time zones. But I'm online right now

RE: Polotsk's Mute Appeal - eatnsleep - Jul 20 2012

lol good luck buddy

RE: Polotsk's Mute Appeal - M. Bison - Jul 20 2012