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Brums "ColoradoBatmanPremierMurderGuy" Flame - Printable Version

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Brums "ColoradoBatmanPremierMurderGuy" Flame - Darkanthrax - Jul 21 2012

Yeah, so.. I live in Denver and have a few friends in Aurora.
If you change your name to "ColoradoBatmanPremierMurderGuy", it kinda irks me the wrong way.
Not saying you're doing anything against forum rules, but trolling about something that is close to home is not funny.

[Image: ColoradoBatmanPremierMurderGuy1.jpg]

RE: Brums "ColoradoBatmanPremierMurderGuy" Flame - ceddeeoo - Jul 21 2012

I understand your frustration man but this is the internet... people are gonna troll all day every day no matter what.

RE: Brums "ColoradoBatmanPremierMurderGuy" Flame - Eternal - Jul 21 2012

Let trolls be trolls, you're only encouraging them when you take notice of their actions. ^o^

RE: Brums "ColoradoBatmanPremierMurderGuy" Flame - _RemiX - Jul 21 2012

pew pew, at least his kdr was good.

RE: Brums "ColoradoBatmanPremierMurderGuy" Flame - Lieutenant Josh - Jul 21 2012

A giants fan too, thats, thats not at all good.

RE: Brums "ColoradoBatmanPremierMurderGuy" Flame - Assassin - Jul 21 2012

I dont understand what that movie have to do with that case?

RE: Brums "ColoradoBatmanPremierMurderGuy" Flame - Eternal - Jul 21 2012

It happened the night of the premiere of "The Dark Knight Rises"

RE: Brums "ColoradoBatmanPremierMurderGuy" Flame - Fuzzy Izzie - Jul 21 2012

Just lost any respect I might have had for this guy's skills. The tragedy is much too recent and close to home for some to be jested about like this.
If he ever brings this name to mini games....

RE: Brums "ColoradoBatmanPremierMurderGuy" Flame - Spartacus - Jul 21 2012


Blame the media.

RE: Brums "ColoradoBatmanPremierMurderGuy" Flame - George Of The Jungle - Jul 21 2012

Obviously the over mediatisation of those events makes sure those killers get want they're looking for: attention. It's a pretty new phenomenon, because of the massive attention those things now get worldwide.

But I don't think you can do anything about it. News corporations try to make money, and this stuff sells, people watch/read about this a lot. That's why you get dozens of reporters camping outside the house of the killer's parents 24/7. News value? Zero, but you know...