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Denied Ban for cheat on server Wl mini game (Bhop) - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Denied Ban for cheat on server Wl mini game (Bhop) (/thread-8138.html)

Ban for cheat on server Wl mini game (Bhop) [REJECTED] - Raykaza :D - Jul 29 2012

I have been banned because bunny hop on server mini game and idk what's your motd i just said i learn to speak english on this server and i like play pls i was idiot now i can say i am sorry .

RE: Ban for cheat on server Wl mini game (Bhop) [REJECTED] - >RiG-Th!S< - Jul 29 2012

You are going to have to edit your post be for an admin will take you seriously, read the guidelines thread. They do not allow bhop scripts on any of the servers.

RE: Ban for cheat on server Wl mini game (Bhop) [REJECTED] - Eternal - Jul 29 2012

Read the guidelines: http://war-lords.net/threads/read-before-posting-protest-section-guidelines.838/

RE: Ban for cheat on server Wl mini game (Bhop) [REJECTED] - lin3ar - Jul 29 2012



Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse. Buy a new copy of CSS if you want to play on our servers again.

RE: Ban for cheat on server Wl mini game (Bhop) [REJECTED] - Raykaza :D - Jul 29 2012

everyone use bhop

RE: Ban for cheat on server Wl mini game (Bhop) [REJECTED] - lin3ar - Jul 29 2012

They do it through legitimate means, unlike you.

RE: Ban for cheat on server Wl mini game (Bhop) [REJECTED] - Eternal - Jul 29 2012

I was busy waxing, but fine, I'll clean/close...