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Can any one help me with the mics in the server? - Printable Version

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Can any one help me with the mics in the server? - CNDamon - Aug 05 2012

I can not hear the other people's mic Sad anyone any ideas? thanks Smile

RE: Can any one help me with the mics in the server? - Riser - Aug 05 2012

voice_enable 1;voice_scale 1

type that into console

RE: Can any one help me with the mics in the server? - Cortex - Aug 05 2012

type !fixmic in the chat box ingame

RE: Can any one help me with the mics in the server? - Russian - Aug 05 2012

Are you using the headset yourself? Maybe your volume is just down on the headset, that happens sometimes. Also, test your mic with other things if you cant hear that then you know whats up. Only voices? maybe you have voice_enable 0 on.

RE: Can any one help me with the mics in the server? - _Redirect_ - Aug 05 2012

Maybe the pills that are supposed to make the voices go away are finally kicking in Wink
You could also check in the games options console to verify your mic.'s settings.

RE: Can any one help me with the mics in the server? - CNDamon - Aug 05 2012

thanks guys for the answers Smile but still, can't hear anything Sad i want to hear people's sexy voice Sad

RE: Can any one help me with the mics in the server? - Yuuki <3 - Aug 05 2012

type !language in chat
pick English as your language
oh btw, make sure to reconnect once the changes are made.
it's like refreshing, so that the changes apply
same goes with changing the skins.
you have to restart the game everytime you change the skin
because the program already has loaded the files when starting.

RE: Can any one help me with the mics in the server? - LordbabY - Aug 06 2012

go to 'preferences' and then under the 'voice' tab, play with the 'receive volume' bar

RE: Can any one help me with the mics in the server? - _Redirect_ - Aug 06 2012

Good thing there's several ways to go about working the same issue ! Any luck yet CND ?

RE: Can any one help me with the mics in the server? - CNDamon - Aug 10 2012

_Redirect_, post: 71311, member: 14946 Wrote:Good thing there's several ways to go about working the same issue ! Any luck yet CND ?
-.- my computer is f*****