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[poll]should weed be legalized? - Printable Version

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[poll]should weed be legalized? - Dre@m$ - Aug 06 2012

yes i know. why a poll on this? well i am just wondering how people think should weed be legalized? i think it should...

The first and most basic reason that marijuana should be legal is that there is no good reason for it not to be legal. Some people ask 'why should marijuana be legalized?" but we should ask "Why should marijuana be illegal?" From a philosophical point of view, individuals deserve the right to make choices for themselves. The government only has a right to limit those choices if the individual's actions endanger someone else. This does not apply to marijuana, since the individual who chooses to use marijuana does so according to his or her own free will. The government also may have a right to limit individual actions if the actions pose a significant threat to the individual. But this argument does not logically apply to marijuana because marijuana is far less dangerous than some drugs which are legal, such as alcohol and tobacco.

The second important reason that marijuana should be legal is that it would save our government lots of money. In the United States, all levels of government (federal, state, and local authorities) participate in the "War on Drugs." We currently spend billions of dollars every year to chase peaceful people who happen to like to get high. These people get locked up in prison and the taxpayers have to foot the bill. We have to pay for food, housing, health care, attorney fees, court costs, and other expenses to lock these people up. This is extremely expensive! We could save billions of dollars every year as a nation if we stop wasting money locking people up for having marijuana. In addition, if marijuana were legal, the government would be able to collect taxes on it, and would have a lot more money to pay for effective drug education programs and other important causes.

The third major reason that marijuana should be legal is because prohibition does not help the country in any way, and causes a lot of problems. There is no good evidence that prohibition decreases drug use, and there are several theories that suggest prohibition might actually increase drug use (i.e. the "forbidden fruit" effect, and easier accessibility for youth). One unintended effect of marijuana prohibition is that marijuana is very popular in American high schools. Why? Because it is available. You don't have to be 21 to buy marijuana -- marijuana dealers usually don't care how old you are as long as you have money. It is actually easier for many high school students to obtain marijuana than it is for them to obtain alcohol, because alcohol is legal and therefore regulated to keep it away from kids. If our goal is to reduce drug consumption, then we should focus on open and honest programs to educate youth, regulation to keep drugs away from kids, and treatment programs for people with drug problems. But the current prohibition scheme does not allow such reasonable approaches to marijuana; instead we are stuck with 'DARE' police officers spreading lies about drugs in schools, and policies that result in jail time rather than treatment for people with drug problems. We tried prohibition with alcohol, and that failed miserably. We should be able to learn our lesson and stop repeating the same mistake.

Yes or no please tell me your thoughts

RE: [poll]should weed be legalized? - NoBoss - Aug 07 2012

Im going with no.. because really its considered a drug and i believe shouldnt be used on a everyday basis.. unless for medical reasons.. I mean alot of people today still do weed, its just like a cigarette you can get addicted to it.. altho its not as bad, I still wouldnt like it legalized.bad enough most of the kids under 18 smoke :/

RE: [poll]should weed be legalized? - Dre@m$ - Aug 07 2012

you can get addicted to anything o.o. drink 2 monsters a day for 3 weeks and then don't drink any one day you crash.

RE: [poll]should weed be legalized? - NoBoss - Aug 07 2012

Dre@m$, post: 71502, member: 541 Wrote:you can get addicted to anything o.o. drink 2 monsters a day for 3 weeks and then don't drink any one day you crash.
But its less common.. You dont see someone needing a monster ever second of their life.

RE: [poll]should weed be legalized? - George Of The Jungle - Aug 07 2012


First of all, I hate the double standard. Alcohol and nicotine (cigarettes) are legal but marijuana isn't. That doesn't make sense.

First thing that should happen, in my opinion, is the decriminalization of cannabis (and other drugs). It isn't right that people go to prison (for a long time sometimes) for drug use/abuse (be it cannabis or cocaine, heroin, etc...) (Here's another double standard, drug use gets treated as hugely damaging to society while corporate crime seems as bad as stealing candy). It's unjust and it simply doesn't work.

Portugal has decriminalized drugs (such as cannabis, but also others like heroin,...). They haven't made it legal, but they don't treat caught drug users as criminals.
Prevention and treatment have been proven more effective than repression.

I think there should be prevention campaigns though, you can't say cannabis is healthy. Especially under 16-18 years old.
Cigarettes aren't healthy either (worse even, depends on the kind of abuse), but you don't go to prison for lighting up a cigarette.

I don't see it happening any time soon in the US though.
There's the taboo.
And then there's the 'drug wars' the US is fighting. (Even though, in reality, those are about maintaining the power status quo in their sphere of influence.)
How are they gonna explain that they're fighting drug wars in other countries while they legalize/decriminalize drugs at home.

RE: [poll]should weed be legalized? - Dre@m$ - Aug 07 2012

lol not really... same idea with coffee. go to new york and there is i think 900+ coffee shops in new york.
Quote:[SIZE=14px]The coffee addiction is not an understatement. Americans crave their daily fix and drink an estimated 400 million cups a day. But, coffee is so much more than just a drink. As one of the most actively traded commodities, coffee is now a multibillion-dollar global industry.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]What is it about coffee that keeps us coming back for more? Is it truly the caffeine or is it something else… the aroma, the taste, the sense of gathering a cup of coffee brings. We’ll examine the cultural fixation and go behind the scenes with two major players in coffee today - Starbucks and Green Mountain Coffee.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]The story of how coffee gets to this country is mostly unknown and fascinating…put it this way, if you think standing in line to get your cup of Joe is a hassle, wait until you see how a cherry off a coffee tree eventually makes it to your local barista. From the jungles of Peru to America’s coffee cafés, CNBC’s “The Coffee Addiction” takes you on the coffee journey from bean to cup.-CNBC[/SIZE]

RE: [poll]should weed be legalized? - George Of The Jungle - Aug 07 2012

While coffee isn't healthy, drinking coffee every day doesn't hold the same health risks as lighting up a joint every day.

RE: [poll]should weed be legalized? - Dre@m$ - Aug 07 2012

Will people Respond when you Answer the Poll please? yes but the same thing happens Addiction is made.

RE: [poll]should weed be legalized? - _RemiX - Aug 07 2012

I think it should be legalized. It won't because the medical industry won't allow it. So much money would be lost for them if the miracle drug marijuana was ok to smoke. People would have no need for the man made drugs ie. pain meds ect.. My opinion.

RE: [poll]should weed be legalized? - Dre@m$ - Aug 07 2012

5-3 i feel bad ass xD