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Ban - Printable Version

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Ban - s p a c e - Sep 02 2012

Why I'm I still banned from WL servers? The banned was suppose to be gone at 6:48 pm. 7:12 pm atm. I asked a friend to message the admin that banned me (Platform) and his response was oh well.

So, any help?

Pic below is from like 10 mins after I first asked him.

RE: Ban - Assassin - Sep 02 2012

I dont think this is in the right section and you already made the ban appeal thread so why make another one? anyway wait for platform to reply.

RE: Ban - s p a c e - Sep 02 2012

I had no idea where to post this since it wasn't a ban appeal.
The ban was suppose to be gone almost a hour ago.

Also, I typed !spec and it kicked me out and I can't even join the server.

RE: Ban - Cas Beep Beep Im A Jeep - Sep 03 2012

Your ban should be expired now, try logging on war-lords servers again and if there is anything wrong, just let us know here.

RE: Ban - >RiG-Th!S< - Sep 03 2012

Like anyone on the MG server he wants attention...try not being such a troll and you wont have this problem.

RE: Ban - s p a c e - Sep 03 2012

It was resolved Im able to play thanks.

Quote:Like anyone on the MG server he wants attention...try not being such a troll and you wont have this problem.

lmao who said I wanted attention. I get plenty enough from my family.