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Browser junk in console..... - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Browser junk in console..... (/thread-8651.html)

Browser junk in console..... - >RiG-Th!S< - Sep 13 2012

I think it has to do with the ad where motd is suppose to be ??

- (null):1
Browser Message: Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL http://motd.pinion.gg/motd/warlords/css/motd.html from frame with URL http://view.atdmt.com/APM/iview/403952592/direct;wi.300;hi.250/01/1495882621?click=http://oasc18015.247realmedia.com/RealMedia/ads/click_lx.ads/www.rgmalliance.rgm/passback-contextweb-testsites-2/L51/1495882621/Right/RGM/RemnantAD_microsoft_travel_flat_AllAds/RemnantAD_microsoft_travel_flat_300x250_062212.html/52414e4d6b

I am guessing the error is my firewall stopping it but I get that same line like 15 times or so in console when I connect. I am curious if it can be stopped or maby you guys are not aware of it...idk
: /

RE: Browser junk in console..... - Matt - Sep 13 2012

It's just the valve browser not allowing JavaScript.

RE: Browser junk in console..... - Lieutenant Josh - Sep 13 2012

Actually if u want to disable this, Disable the MOTD in your options menu, i had the same problem, and after i did that, No more.

RE: Browser junk in console..... - Matt - Sep 14 2012

The ads in the MOTD funds the servers. The errors aren't harmfull at all.

RE: Browser junk in console..... - >RiG-Th!S< - Sep 14 2012

<3 matt..I was wondering thanks.