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Denied Ban Appeal - Narnia - Printable Version

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Ban Appeal - Narnia [REJECTED] - s p a c e - Sep 16 2012

[SIZE=12px]Name: I think it was yolo or swag. Most likely swag[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]SteamID: [/SIZE] [SIZE=11px]STEAM_0:0:47001475[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]Server: all of them.[/SIZE]

Platform has mood swings. One moment we are all like hey, you are a fggt. No you're a fggt. Then a second later, bang, I'm like hey you fgt. Platform is all like queef queef ban hammer has spoken. lmao were suppose to have fun in minigames :C plus the mic spamming/chat spamming is bs. I talk a lot but I never hold the mic for longer then 5 secs.

I think I shouldn't be banned from all servers because it happened in minigames. I just wanna go play snipers :'c

RE: Ban Appeal - Narnia [REJECTED] - I_am_penguin - Sep 16 2012

s p a c e, post: 75271, member: 11204 Wrote:[SIZE=12px]Name: I think it was yolo or swag. Most likely swag[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]SteamID: [/SIZE] [SIZE=11px]STEAM_0:0:47001475[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]Server: all of them.[/SIZE]

Platform has mood swings. One moment we are all like hey, you are a fggt. No you're a fggt. Then a second later, bang, I'm like hey you fgt. Platform is all like queef queef ban hammer has spoken. lmao were suppose to have fun in minigames :C plus the mic spamming/chat spamming is bs. I talk a lot but I never hold the mic for longer then 5 secs.
Platform has let narnia slip by with his harrasment and admin disrespect. So I think he deserved it.

RE: Ban Appeal - Narnia [REJECTED] - s p a c e - Sep 16 2012

Quote:you have so many ban appeals lol
This is my second one. lmaoo

Quote:Platform has let narnia slip by with his harrasment and admin disrespect. So I think he deserved it.
You're barely in the server. lmaooo

RE: Ban Appeal - Narnia [REJECTED] - I_am_penguin - Sep 16 2012

s p a c e, post: 75274, member: 11204 Wrote:This is my second one. lmaoo

You're barely in the server. lmaooo
I've been in just about all day. I'm Flame Princess. He let's me and PLENTY OF OTHERS, slip by giving us constant warnings. He did it all summer as well. Narnia constantly nit picks with Platform.

RE: Ban Appeal - Narnia [REJECTED] - Dr. gkovr - Sep 16 2012

s p a c e, post: 75274, member: 11204 Wrote:This is my second one. lmaoo
Disregard that then I must be going insane or something :p

RE: Ban Appeal - Narnia [REJECTED] - James` - Sep 16 2012

I_am_penguin, post: 75275, member: 14823 Wrote:I've been in just about all day. I'm Flame Princess. He let's me and PLENTY OF OTHERS, slip by giving us constant warnings. He did it all summer as well. Narnia constantly nit picks with Platform.
Uhhhhh no. You have not been in all day sir. Trust me. I mean yah you've been in and out but not even half the time I was in the server you were. So no, not all day. But anyways back to the ban appeal. It's really a double edged sword, you have platform who jokes around with everyone and thus really shouldn't be banning anyone if he expects respect from some and not all. Than you have narnia who is an annoying prick but I think is funny as fuck. I mean you really have to be careful with the people you joke around with, trust me. I have been working in a position with female employees only and there have been times where I fucked up SEVERELY. Now mind you they can't ban me but still. You gotta pick your battles. I think he should be let off with a last warning. LAST WARNING NARNIA!!!! lol.

RE: Ban Appeal - Narnia [REJECTED] - I_am_penguin - Sep 16 2012

James`, post: 75277, member: 15260 Wrote:LAST WARNING NARNIA!!!! lol.
Why another warning?

RE: Ban Appeal - Narnia [REJECTED] - s p a c e - Sep 16 2012

Quote:Why another warning?
Dude I've only been banned once not including this one. It's not like this is my 10th. The only warnings I get are when Plateform is all like nooo stap it narnia, you manly man.

RE: Ban Appeal - Narnia [REJECTED] - Platform - Sep 16 2012

I give so many warning to the server regulars its pathetic. I don't mind joking around, but narnia your taking it to a different level. I see you love to sing on the mic. I've muted yo so many times and you keep doing it. Your chat logs are more dirtier than a porn movie. I can't talk on the mic without you telling me to stfu every single time i press the "k" button or calling me a faggot. Then it's not just me, it's others too. You like to pick fights with randoms on the server for no reason. I had enough of it, no more warnings. See you in a week.

Double post

James`, post: 75277, member: 15260 Wrote:I think he should be let off with a last warning. LAST WARNING NARNIA!!!! lol.
How many "Last warnings" I gave him? Like over 9000....

RE: Ban Appeal - Narnia [REJECTED] - s p a c e - Sep 16 2012

Quote:How many "Last warnings" I gave him? Like over 9000....

Then you must have some dirty porn cause I think my chat logs are clean C:

Lmao I'm sorry plateform. C: