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"ERROR" zombies - Printable Version

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"ERROR" zombies - Tofu - Sep 20 2012

Well I got this new laptop which is way better than my old one. I used to play on the cracked game on my old laptop but with this one I bought CS:S to play the original one.
Now the zombies are not zombies but red giant messages that say ERROR. This is already annoying enough but it's more annoying not being able to know where their heads are and where to aim and stuff.
Already read some tips:
-Delete your cstrike folder and restart game: Didn't work.
-Disable color correction under options menu (or something like that): Didn't work either.

Also, anytime I join the server it starts downloading the zombie files all over again but the error remains.

RE: "ERROR" zombies - M. Bison - Sep 21 2012

Yup, I'm aware of the problem. The fastdl was recently restructured. The changes broke every download other than maps.

RE: "ERROR" zombies - James` - Sep 21 2012

JEEZ BISON.... We want the problem solved NOAW.... lol. Is there any way we can make your life easier? Want us to find new zombie models? I mean cause honestly if your gonna fix it, IF... We may as well update the old models for newer fresher looking ones. IF, there are better ones out there that people are willing to find which I could EASILY. I mean CMON BISON, it's not that hard... lol im jp with you man. But seriously, would love to help in any way Big Grin.

RE: "ERROR" zombies - Tofu - Sep 21 2012

James`, post: 75685, member: 15260 Wrote:JEEZ BISON.... We want the problem solved NOAW.... lol. Is there any way we can make your life easier? Want us to find new zombie models? I mean cause honestly if your gonna fix it, IF... We may as well update the old models for newer fresher looking ones. IF, there are better ones out there that people are willing to find which I could EASILY. I mean CMON BISON, it's not that hard... lol im jp with you man. But seriously, would love to help in any way Big Grin.

I kindda agree here. If possible new models would be great Big Grin
I saw a server that had half zombies (half from the waist up) that would crawl on the floor at average speed but no one can see them if they have a vending machine infront but the player using the zombie can see like if any other zombie.
Its hard to explain but I guess you understand.

RE: "ERROR" zombies - James` - Sep 21 2012

Oh I was just being a sarcastic assclown lol.

EDIT: So Tofu you mean something like THIS or THIS?

RE: "ERROR" zombies - Tofu - Sep 21 2012

James`, post: 75689, member: 15260 Wrote:Oh I was just being a sarcastic assclown lol.

EDIT: So Tofu you mean something like THIS or THIS?

Something like the first "THIS".

Had some trouble making the THIS looking purple.

RE: "ERROR" zombies - Anubis - Sep 22 2012

The FastDL has been updated; if you connect again the files should be downloaded automatically.

RE: "ERROR" zombies - James` - Sep 22 2012

says you! lol thanks Anubis

RE: "ERROR" zombies - Sibrox - Sep 23 2012

I just bought CS:S and Tried to play on wL Zombie Server and i didn't get an ''ERROR''.

RE: "ERROR" zombies - James` - Sep 23 2012

Because he just said he fixed it.