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Plzzz plzzz - Printable Version

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Plzzz plzzz - GT-13 - Nov 20 2012

take cs_paintball off minigames sever its not a minigame

RE: Plzzz plzzz - Fuzzy Izzie - Nov 20 2012

But... the map is very mini and me very likey.

RE: Plzzz plzzz - Fuzzy Joggie Pony - Nov 20 2012

There could be loooooong discussions about what map is (or is not) a minigame. Although I do not like it (mostly because of awp / autosnipe usage) I don't believe it should be removed. Lots of people enjoy playing it.

Like Izzie says:
Fuzzy Izzie, post: 80481, member: 9457 Wrote:But... the map is very mini and me very likey.

RE: Plzzz plzzz - Gonffs - Nov 20 2012

Then he pulls out his awp, and I hs him with my ak. True story.

RE: Plzzz plzzz - NoBoss - Nov 20 2012

This map is actually liked by alot of players.. If we took it out we would probably lose players.

RE: Plzzz plzzz - s p a c e - Nov 20 2012

This guy is just mad I kill him with my awp every time we play paintball.

RE: Plzzz plzzz - Platform - Nov 20 2012

This map will not be removed due to its popularity. Sorry.

RE: Plzzz plzzz - s p a c e - Nov 21 2012

Stop trying to go undercover, R, swifty(someshitlikethat), donkey kong. How long are you gonna continue thisssss?

RE: Plzzz plzzz - GT-13 - Nov 21 2012


RE: Plzzz plzzz - Black Blood - Nov 21 2012

hell No this is my favourite map. Cant wait to play it in Christmas Tongue