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Approved Kwon Yuri Spray Ban (please move if it's in the wrong area) - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Approved Kwon Yuri Spray Ban (please move if it's in the wrong area) (/thread-9666.html)

Kwon Yuri Spray Ban (please move if it's in the wrong area) [APPROVED] - Yuri The Sailor - Jan 22 2013

[SIZE=12px]Name: [/SIZE][SIZE=12px]Kwon Yuri[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]SteamID:[/SIZE][SIZE=12px] [/SIZE][SIZE=12px]Steam_0:0:42725622[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]Server: [/SIZE][SIZE=12px]WL Minigames[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12px]This has just been alittle annoying to be honest. My spray didn't advertise anything illegal, had absolutly no pornography, and no racist words or depictions of any kind. I have seen worse sprays in the server and the fact that mine got banned was kind of upsetting. I asked the admin to unban it and I was told to appeal this on the forums, because he didn't know how to. Please if this is in the wrong place can you move it.[/SIZE]

RE: Kwon Yuri Spray Ban (please move if it's in the wrong area) [APPROVED] - M. Bison - Jan 23 2013

Only root admins may lift a spray ban. I'll look into it a little later.

RE: Kwon Yuri Spray Ban (please move if it's in the wrong area) [APPROVED] - Yuri The Sailor - Jan 23 2013

M. Bison, post: 84432, member: 359 Wrote:Only root admins may lift a spray ban. I'll look into it a little later.
Thank you very much.

RE: Kwon Yuri Spray Ban (please move if it's in the wrong area) [APPROVED] - M. Bison - Jan 24 2013


There was nothing wrong with your spray.