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Resolved reporting hacker at office again - Printable Version

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reporting hacker at office again [CLOSED] - V i c i o u s - Feb 08 2013

1 0 active
# 86 "Mr. John Key" ipaddress_0:0:18485250 23:54 120 active thank you

RE: reporting hacker at office again [CLOSED] - joker8baller - Feb 08 2013

We need a demo.

Quote:[INDENT]To report a hacker please provide the server the hacker is hacking in. Post the game that is being played in. Lastly post the user info so we can track down who it is.

Provide proof to our staff because if there is no proof there is nothing we can do. Take a video recording of the incident or provide chat logs.

Sample post:

Game: Counter strike source
Suspected hacker's name: hackattack121
Evidence: (Proof here with a link to watch the video or chat logs)[/INDENT]

RE: reporting hacker at office again [CLOSED] - V i c i o u s - Feb 08 2013

joker8baller, post: 85827, member: 835 Wrote:We need a demo.

okay. but that time i was leading then suddenly he knows everybody's where they're going. even i tried it one time that i stop inside the sniping area im talking about the office map then he came in there to kill me then i spect he went to my teammates. even though im walking or something he knows where am i going. his name is there mr johnny key and thats his ip address

RE: reporting hacker at office again [CLOSED] - joker8baller - Feb 08 2013

Again. We still need a demo.

We can't take any action without proof.

RE: reporting hacker at office again [CLOSED] - ceddeeoo - Feb 08 2013

Yep. Next time you see him in game, go to spectator, spectate him, type "record nameofhacker" to record him and then "stop" to stop recording.

RE: reporting hacker at office again [CLOSED] - V i c i o u s - Feb 08 2013

arrite copy. Smile thanks next time

RE: reporting hacker at office again [CLOSED] - Lieutenant Josh - Feb 13 2013

Thats odd, i was just playing against him, i didn't know someone had already asked for a ban on him. Just adding credit to vicious here, i'll demo him when i have the time.

RE: reporting hacker at office again [CLOSED] - V i c i o u s - Feb 13 2013

Lieutenant Josh, post: 85987, member: 946 Wrote:Thats odd, i was just playing against him, i didn't know someone had already asked for a ban on him. Just adding credit to vicious here, i'll demo him when i have the time.
thank you josh