World News
- Royal baby: Prince William and Kate introduce their son to the world (4 Replies)
- Falling cow kills man... (8 Replies)
- Smiling wife filmed telling hit man murder option 'easier than divorcing husband' (3 Replies)
- Boondock Saints III soon to be in production! (2 Replies)
- Christopher Deedy (0 Replies)
- Former Russian Spy proposed to Snowden (2 Replies)
- George Lucas to be awarded medal by President (0 Replies)
- Second teen spends months in jail for sarcastic video game threat (5 Replies)
- Skype Bombing durty a major US Trial (3 Replies)
- Head transplants... soon a reality! (1 Reply)
- Viva Olympics 2016 or not... (11 Replies)
- Southern Alberta reacts to massive flooding (0 Replies)
- U.S. charges Edward Snowden with espionage in leaks about NSA surveillance programs (5 Replies)
- Riot after Chinese teachers try to stop pupils cheating (1 Reply)
- Singapore pollution record after Indonesia fires cause regional haze (2 Replies)
- Outstanding mistakes of all time (0 Replies)
- WATCH: Australia's army chief demonstrates how you address sex abuse (0 Replies)
- Arnold Schwarzenegger is returning 'AS the Terminator' in 'Terminator 5' (0 Replies)
- Confirmed: The NSA is Spying on Millions of Americans (4 Replies)
- Jake drops out of 2½ Men! (1 Reply)