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Full Version: UnBan Request
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Name: (YoungOxy)
SteamID: (Steam Name : besarta Steam Id : STEAM_0:0:9080567
Server: (I cant play on the WarLordz Scrim server . The Reason for some reason i don't know. the ban it says check the website and that's why i am here. i want to scrim so bad and pug and have a good time i herd you guys have a good scrim server or pug . were good play and i want to play and get better at this. So please urban me thx )

I found the source ban but i still Dont Understand .
You cheat on multiple accounts.
Ummm cheated? i know i share my accs with my brother i am talking to him now.
is there a way
i can get unban?
Post Video of you punching your brother really hard in the face and telling him, "NEVER CHEAT ON WAR-LORDS AGAIN" and I think we might consider it.
Lmaaooo! really?
Sure why not?