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Moriarty, post: 88984, member: 9168 Wrote:Mods who edit other people's messages? Senior admins? You can replace word Sr. Admins with Joker. Roots - Bison, Matt, anubis. So let me rephrase you, Joker, Bison, Matt, anubis and forum moderators including YOU and a few other dumb individuals for which the only way to troll is edit someone's message. No server admins? Enable it for all forum users or don't enable it at all. Side note, if asparagus was proficient enough in gymnastics he would have sucked his own dick everyday first thing in the morning.

you misunderstood what I meant.

it is meant to be enabled to everyone. other users would have the power to upvote/downvote once they have been given enough positive karma by those who I suggest should have it first.
Spartacus, post: 88987, member: 1060 Wrote:you misunderstood what I meant.

it is meant to be enabled to everyone. other users would have the power to upvote/downvote once they have been given enough positive karma by those who I suggest should have it first.
People like me are hated by majority, and this means you propose to partially remove freedom of speech from some people. I know they don't have anything like that in China, but you can learn about first amendment if you do some research online.
Moriarty, post: 88988, member: 9168 Wrote:People like me are hated by majority, and this means you propose to partially remove freedom of speech from some people. I know they don't have anything like that in China, but you can learn about first amendment if you do some research online.

Once again, you've misunderstood me. You're free to say whatever you want. Just that if you've made a negative comment, you'd be downvoted "karma-wise". And it would be reflected below your profile if you made enough negative comments to give you a negative/bad reputation. You'd still be able to say whatever you want though.

Not sure whether you're serious about me being from China. I find that amusing.

And btw, online research is the easiest but poorest form of quality research. You'd need to go through peer-reviewed journal articles if you want your information to provide any real substance.
Moriarty, post: 88988, member: 9168 Wrote:People like me are hated by majority, and this means you propose to partially remove freedom of speech from some people. I know they don't have anything like that in China, but you can learn about first amendment if you do some research online.
You are not hated by that many people ru. Your very fun to mess with because you blow up with absolutely no respect for others. Then you ask for respect back. I'm finally learning how to get through to that small shriveled thing you call a heart. Ilu rutroll. :-)
Spartacus, post: 88989, member: 1060 Wrote:Once again, you've misunderstood me. You're free to say whatever you want. Just that if you've made a negative comment, you'd be downvoted "karma-wise". And it would be reflected below your profile if you made enough negative comments to give you a negative/bad reputation. You'd still be able to say whatever you want though.

Not sure whether you're serious about me being from China. I find that amusing.

And btw, online research is the easiest but poorest form of quality research. You'd need to go through peer-reviewed journal articles if you want your information to provide any real substance.
[SIZE=14px]Freedom of Speech, Press, Assembly, Petition, Religion, If you let me talk, but wont let me vote, it's still not a full freedom. I maybe got something wrong here, but from my understanding the ability to vote will be taken away with large amount of received negative votes according to your plan fellow PLA.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]To the second part of your post: online research in China maybe one of the fewer available sources empowered with freedom of press. So you may be able to find a good newspaper in China, but it's unlikely they'd freely write about politics and some other sensitive subjects. And last but not least,[/SIZE][SIZE=14px]any good peer-reviewed journal has it's online domain nowadays. [/SIZE]

Double post

_RemiX, post: 88991, member: 3519 Wrote:You are not hated by that many people ru. Your very fun to mess with because you blow up with absolutely no respect for others. Then you ask for respect back. I'm finally learning how to get through to that small shriveled thing you call a heart. Ilu rutroll. Smile
See remix, with all my adequate and unbiased vision and self evaluation, it's very hard to not admit, so hard to the point where I find myself compromising my integrity if don't, admit that my posts are masterpiece. Now question, why the fuck are you editing them using your moderator ability? It's not just abuse, it's a copyright issue. I'd much appreciate if you could just give me a downvote instead of editing them, so overall I think it's a good idea.
Spartacus, post: 88977, member: 1060 Wrote:just to start it out. mods/senior admins/roots have some sense of maturity. frankly speaking.

main goal is to enable everyone to have a part in keeping the content trollfree.
Here's your opening statement or your "vote" on which side indefinitely holds the power of your so-called "karma idea." And it is impossible to ever get rid of trolling. It's burned into the very core of the internet and is fueled by ignorant people, like those on this forum, that will keep it going on forever.

Moriarty, post: 88984, member: 9168 Wrote:So let me rephrase you, Joker, Bison, Matt, anubis and forum moderators including YOU and a few other dumb individuals for which the only way to troll is edit someone's message. No server admins? Enable it for all forum users or don't enable it at all.
My thoughts exactly.

Spartacus, post: 88987, member: 1060 Wrote:you misunderstood what I meant.
You've been saying that a lot... maybe you don't even know your own story because it keeps changing and you either negate something or change it. Come up with one solid plan that you indefinitely like and think will work best for the community and stick with it.

Spartacus, post: 88989, member: 1060 Wrote:And btw, online research is the easiest but poorest form of quality research. You'd need to go through peer-reviewed journal articles if you want your information to provide any real substance.
Where do you think the facts in a peer-reviewed journal article come from...? From research over the internet.
So, basically you want to start another popularity contest that will have no effect on people's posts. Hence, not doing any form of moderation. Most likely be used with those with "good karma" to hold over the head of those with "bad karma." Very similar to the "Like" feature. In a sense, another area for people to troll others in...

Have no idea what this would do with trolls. Might as well take the wiki approach and let everyone moderate everyone else.....
This thread alone is enough proof that's it's useless to implement the feature I think.

Always nice to have ideas I guess. Smile
So can I downvote all of rutrolls posts? Give power please.
Quote: Everyone claims they don't care what their karma is, yet any time a person sees an unexplained drop, I get an email complaining about it. You just can't ignore a number right next to your name that announces what the community thinks of you.

Read more:http://www.cracked.com/article_16765_5-ways-to-stop-trolls-from-killing-internet.html#ixzz2PMbiLxw8

Mr.Tea, post: 89001, member: 1006 Wrote:Have no idea what this would do with trolls. Might as well take the wiki approach and let everyone moderate everyone else.....

Its not a popularity contest. The main idea is the belief that what a user posts is influenced by these 'internet points'. Meaning, they are less likely to post troll comments given the knowledge that they would be downvoted, affecting their 'karma'. However, even if a user doesn't care about his 'karma', a negative karma indicated under the person's profile gives other current and new users info that that user should not be taken seriously.

people influenced by internet points.
you'd know who generally posts constructive comments and troll comments in the forum.

I haven't been changing any story. But this is definitely opened to suggestions.

Double post

Some opinions regarding the rep/karma system posted in XenForo forums.


We can propose ideas but what we have realistically is what Xenforo or other developers offer since our forum software is powered by them.


This addon received good reviews.
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