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Full Version: First time joining a server and banned already?
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Name: ApollonistasG1
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:570864425
Server: The War-Lords Minigame server.

I'm new to your servers here @ war-lords and today I tried to connect to a server (the mg server) for the first time, and I got a message like: Permanently Banned: SMAC: Eye Angles Violation. What does that even mean? I swear God, I wasn't hacking, I didn't have anti-recoil, or wh, or aimbot and I didn't tweak the FOV. Like I said, that was my 1st time I attempted to join one of your servers. Idk if that's a bug or something, but please, you gotta belive me, I did not cheat! Can anyone help?
The ban occurred on May 20th, 2012. It was definitely valid and most certainly you.

You will need to purchase CS:S in order to play here.
Aw, ok, sorry for that. It's just that I downloaded the latest nosteam patch and in the menu, it showed a list of your servers. Idk why. Thanks and sorry again Smile