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Full Version: Hello~ Brian's App
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[SIZE=12px]Name: Hello Everyone~ My name is Brian[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]Steam ID : [/SIZE][SIZE=12px]STEAM_0:1:43982068 [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12px]Age:[/SIZE][SIZE=12px] Twenty~[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]Timezone:[/SIZE][SIZE=12px] Pacific Time Zone~[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]Availability:[/SIZE][SIZE=12px] Usually after 5 o'clock. I go on and off~[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]Tell us something about yourself:[/SIZE][SIZE=12px] I am a student and my major is CS (computer science) not counter strike. I am Chinese=][/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]Reason For Admin Application:[/SIZE][SIZE=12px] I am orginally from CS 1.6 but than the guild i was in closed due to a personal reason to the server owner. Hopped to CSS and this is the first server and my favorite server to play in~[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12px]I was in a guild named Fury in CS 1.6 for around 2 years. The owner had to disperse the team because he had to serve in iraq. If you have have any questions, feel free to ask me~ THanks~[/SIZE]
Hi there Brian, thanks for your interest in applying for admin. Fellow Chinese unite, eh?

However, that is the wrong Steam ID posted. Your Steam ID is STEAM_0:0:13464757.
We also require that prospective admins log 72 hours of gameplay on our servers before their application is considered. You currently have close to 8 1/2 hours so there'a still quite a way to in regards to that requirement.

In the meanwhile, I suggest that you stay active on the forums and help contribute to the community with a good attitude in game and help report issues to admins to assist them in resolving problems.
Okay no problem, i don't mind waiting. So you are chinese as well?
Yes, I am Chinese, though I was born and raised in California.
Wow me too! San Friancisco here, you?
Around Los Angeles.
Lin3ar is a troll. Good luck on your app and happy killing for your hours. Remember if you see someone named Zero in the server he's a free easy kill.
I have actually seen him before and killed him multiplie times loool! Who is he?
Just a random nerd who frequents our servers. He's aslo known as assassin on forums.
_RemiX, post: 90995, member: 3519 Wrote:Just a random nerd who frequents our servers. He's aslo known as assassin on forums.

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