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Full Version: Map suggestion
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Hi , i'am a player of warlord's servers since 2 years .

Sorry for my english i'am French !

This week i made a map for the warlord's awp server .
I must do something and the map will be done , so tonight i will give you the fpsbanana's link .

For the name , what you want ? :



Thank you ! <3

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The map looks a bit dull right now. I'd suggest adding more textures.
Sir yes sir i will do it ! But can you add the map now , and i will update after please ?
Version now : Alpha1 After : beta1 (textures and more (low gravity ??))

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can you add me ine your friends please ?

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Ok so i will add some textures , with light effects .
I don't know if i do low gravity . What you think ? or for the mg servers .

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