Steam id: apollyons
In game name: [ROD]Nabend Alias(name used at the time) Mein Teil
Admin name

Not really needed) xFerior

Not really needed): Aimbot
Protest: Been playing on your server 3-4 weeks now. Everyone knows I have good days and bad days, was having a decent day 2~3 kills per death. xFerior banned me in an Office game after spraying through smoke toward CT spawn. At first I figured it was my name... Mein Teil means my Cock in german, then I figured maybe it was my spray or icon which are both Swastika's. Looked up the website it said aimbot. I don't use aimbots I don't see through walls, sometimes I'm decent somtimes I suck. My kill death ratio on any War-lords server has never been better then 5-1 and in the last 3 days hasn't even been 3-1. Half the admins on CSS servers can vouch for me as I've been playing with you all for nearly a month now.
No hard feelings xFerior, I'm sure you were just frustrated with your 3kills per death when it could have been 5 or 6.
Looks fishy absolutely, specially the mouse jiggle, sorry I can explain and support it. I sit my baby on my lap when I play, sometimes main at night before she goes to bed. Also to my understanding aimbots are all headshots and auto fire for you. I didn't headshot the guy I killed (Watched the video 3x). Also shooting through the smoke I didn't kill anybody wouldn't an aimbot hit someone? Then last, when the guy died my crosshairs were on his right arm, no where near his head.
I don't know if you have a personal grudge xFerior and I'm sorry if I offended you but nothing in that video even suggests Aimbot EXCEPT for 1 mouse jiggle on a kill that wasn't even a headshot and the mouse wiggly didn't even go to the head like aimbots. IF you have more video of me please post it so it supports this post. At best I'd contest that video is inconclusive but you cant even say that since my crosshairs were all over teh guy not even in 1 area.
Nabend Wrote:Looks fishy absolutely, specially the mouse jiggle, sorry I can explain and support it. I sit my baby on my lap when I play, sometimes main at night before she goes to bed. Also to my understanding aimbots are all headshots and auto fire for you. I didn't headshot the guy I killed (Watched the video 3x). Also shooting through the smoke I didn't kill anybody wouldn't an aimbot hit someone? Then last, when the guy died my crosshairs were on his right arm, no where near his head.
I don't know if you have a personal grudge xFerior and I'm sorry if I offended you but nothing in that video even suggests Aimbot EXCEPT for 1 mouse jiggle on a kill that wasn't even a headshot and the mouse wiggly didn't even go to the head like aimbots. IF you have more video of me please post it so it supports this post. At best I'd contest that video is inconclusive but you cant even say that since my crosshairs were all over teh guy not even in 1 area.
Well either you have a aimbot but trying to 'fail' attempt to make us believe aimbot only aim for head. You can set them to a few spots on the body.
There is aimbot auto fire on or off.
Ps. Just watched demo and that's a lot of shaking to blame the baby on. That looks like no recoil, not aimbot. So unban him then reban him as no recoil?
No recoil now? Configuring Aimbots? I have to many steam games to be involved with stupid crap like that, I'm not risking a VaC ban for a game i play for an hour or so a day. Even if it was configured to aim for an arm it wouldnt go around his body like that. Watch Luminous or Speed play, once in a while they shake too. It's part of playing sometimes your hand itches sometimes you drop something or sometimes your infant falls over on your arm when you know you about to get shot. Ive been playing on this server a long time comparitively, I don't cheat, anyone can get a video of someone's screen shaking. Most of us play on max mouse sensitivity.
wow nabend from ma caln..guyz sorry to say this this this gotta be some kind of mistaKe he has been playing with us from a whie so ma opinion is i dont think he hacks guyz ,,idk how to explain the reason y he got baned ,,,but guyz i think he is not a cheater :-\
Nonsense. And quite pathetic as well. Harvo, you are right and i knew it definitely had anti-recoil but he had some crazy shots earlier as well, so i assumed it was an aimbot as well. I should have banned him for multihack but whatever. I have a lot of experience with watching aimbots and the like, and that is unhuman. A baby or even a mouse couldnt have done that. Notice the shaking gets more violent has he sprays more. Aimbots don't always target heads nor do they always have auto fire. You can change where they shoot.
Skrappy that is irrelevant. It doesnt matter if he is your best friend: If he hacks he shall be banned. Even if an admin hacks, they will be banned. Just because you know the guy you cannot assume he doesnt hack. Look at the proof. You can't change the stats. He was hacking, and i do not have a grudge on you, nabend; for whatever reason you think so, i do not know. If this wasn't my ban, i would close the topic, but i will leave it to M. Bison to make the final decision.
EDIT: Modified the ban reason to Multi-Hack.
I'm not hacking and I don't hack. Nothing in your video is concrete evidence it's 1 second of circumstantial footage you can fraps from any player in the server. We see cheaters every day their stuff tweaks from head to head to head, I didn't twitch passing a window I didn't even twitch when he came in LoS i twitched after i started firing hmmm maybe thats recoil? Or maybe my arm got bumped I don't care what you call it, even your own accusations make this seem less of a hack. You don't like me, I get that, I owned your ass in Dust and killed you twice in office. I can even understand the other admins sticking up for you, like any business it's just something you do. What pisses me off is my proven history and your video of 1 kill. How am I going to prove that I'm not hacking from 1 Kill, better yet, how does that 1 kill prove I am hacking? My arm got bumped right before I saw someone, wow that must be proof. Never twitched at the window that CT's were rushing every round. Spray went all over the place. Everything is legit except your personal opinion.
I don't care if you keep me banned, there's 1000s of servers, but ban me cause you don't like me, don't fish for shit cause you found a video of someone with max mouse sensitivity. If you banned everyone that screens shakes once in a while you'd have no one on your server.
Funny you say no recoil cuz the killing shot was when my cross-hairs weren't on him. I've watched this video 15 times there's nothing there the prove I'm hacking beyond any reasonable doubt. But if you get away with banning people cause you don't like em then i'm done arguing with kids.
Just as Monroe said, "I don't ban out of anger. I don't get angry over dying. I ban people who cheat." I don't not like you, and i don't know why you think that. I don't care if you killed me many times-- i dont care if all my deaths are from you. I suck at this game, but i have only been actually playing for 2 months. I have been an admin, however, for almost 2 years, and i have seen just about every aimbot out there. As i have already said, what was seen in that demo is unhuman. Twitches can't do that. The least you can do is admit to hacking: it makes you look like less of an ass. You aren't much of a rational fellow, are you? o.O
BTW, over time i have noticed that those who didn't actually hack will typically give their whole story in their first post, while those who actually did hack only come up with a story/excuse after a demo is presented, or after a counter argument has been posted. You *should* have told us the baby thing in your first post, since you saw you were banned for an aimbot, but you waited till after the demo was posted to come up with something that might cover the twitching. Just thought i might say that.
I consider myself pretty rational my wife doesn't sometimes but thats besides the point. And if I was hacking and I'd ask to be forgiven based on good behavior. Or say some lame excuse like "Oops, forgot to turn my hacks off brah." In this situation I wasn't hacking, in fact like I stated earlier I'm not risking VAC bans for CSS, I'd rather buy a dummy account if I wanted to tool around. All I'm asking is be let back onto teh server so I can continue to play with my friends. You can keep monitoring me and all that crap I know you would anyways, but you guys still won't see any hacks. Twitches sure? Fast moving mouse? Sure. Pre-Firing some corners of course. Turning around for no apparent reason? yea sometimes. I play on a 60'' HDTV with surround sound. Ever try playing on one of those? The mouse can get twitchy but the sounds and ability to see enemies is amazing. No admin will ever see me hack CSS. And the only reason I ever played on war-lords is because the swift response to banning hackers.
The last game I ever hacked was Tony Hawk's ProSkater 4, back in like 2002.