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Full Version: DK wants HDK! (not pasted, ORIGINAL)
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Name: DK
Division Applied For: Leadership
Steam id: xxx.com
Age: 10
Sex: hermaphrodite
Occupation: School Work Military Other (Select one, if other please specify) Playing css.
Country or State of Residence: Home
Hours of Availability: 24/7 (can be more than that?)
Are you currently a War-Lords Admin?: YES!
Do you plan on applying for War-Lords Admin?: YES!
Previous Counterstrike Experience: css on iphone
Previous Games Played: (Recent) CSS, CSS, CSS, TETRIS
Previous League Experience: (Any Game) NIP -Nig*ers In Pijamas
Computer Specs: (Optional) It turns on and off
Favorite Weapon: (Optional) Flip-flops
Favorite Map: (Optional) de_HDK
Is there anything else you wish to say? (200 words max)
I wish to say "'Welcome!' to myself because I got approved".
[Image: 4eedba46b3979.jpg]
^ De_HDK
Good Luck
(surely A Drunk App)
Good luck applying for Suggestions. Hope you get in. Not sure who is in charge but good luck!
_RemiX, post: 91900, member: 3519 Wrote:Good luck applying for Suggestions. Hope you get in. Not sure who is in charge but good luck!
I'll take the liberty on this one.
Denied, it's in our interest to not let you into suggestions, as you haven't given any good ones lately. Sad
it's all chaos and anarchy after that HDK mass app to NW saga.
|Cam|Per, post: 91901, member: 16797 Wrote:roots I Think
Stop posting on threads that you shouldn't be posting on.