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Full Version: mg server map rotation suggestion
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last month : 35hp,jacs, something,fno,something,something,35 hp, jacs, ski, smee, something
next month : 35hp, jacs, something, kirby, ski, skiresort,something, 35hp , jacs
next month : jacs, fno, something, ski, smee, kirby, paintball,jacs, goldeneye, something
every month's favorite could be a little different, but the pattern is the same for the month.

I notice that the delay before a map can be chosen again is 6 maps, or so...
there's like 85 maps in our server, but look at what we play...
so how if we increase that delay to ... 10 maps, at least. 13+ would be better though.
playing the same maps again and again is pretty sick, you know.:confused:

well, making the nominate an admin-only command would be better, actually, since he wouldn't choose the same map again, or maybe hear from the players, but as we know admins are not always on.

so please respond, at least...
Creative > Fno
what does it mean
Replace Creative Wid Fno ppl Love Its lava Run And Cannon

Double post

Let Something be vote!