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Full Version: Banned for a hacking program
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Name: TEQ
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:11121620
Server: (wL) 24/7 Office :: WAR-LORDS.NET


I must first profusely apologize for bringing a hacking program on to your servers. The following isn't an excuse, but it will give you the circumstances of my participation in hacking. So here is the following:

I spent that last few days trying to figure out why I am banned from the above server. This is perhaps my fault, but I will put it for you to decide. Last Tuesday I logged on to another server and realized that I was shooting automatically and killing people one by one whether or not I aimed in that direction. I then jumped off the server thinking that this was a weird server as I noticed lots of strange lists on the screen. (I'm not ignorant to hacks, not at all. I was simply taken by surprise because I did not download or install a hack and therefore never went down the rational deduction that this is what it was.) Apparently, my son decided to hack it up a program to Steam. So then I went to a the War-lords Office server, which I really enjoy. I logged on and shazaam. I saw the same shapes, colors and lists and then I was banned.

In the end it is my fault. I had shown my son hacks a year ago. And I have indeed used them in the past.

Please consider this appeal. I understand that responsibility yet lies with me although my son uses the account. I have spoken with him and decided we won't share the computer. I assure you this is not something I do and I will not do it-even if by proxy.

Again, not at all an excuse. I take full blame, because in the end I basically created the circumstances that led to hacking on the War Server.


Your account is your responsibility. It has been and always will be that way.
I don't disagree and I acknowledge such in my post. I guess I am asking for a reprieve or a second chance given my indirect but ultimate culpability in this matter.
Lin3ar is completely correct. In some instances we will allow people to buy a new account to play again. Please wait for a root/Sr. Admin to verify that you can do this.
Okay. I see that I am fully responsible. I profusely proffer my apologies while agreeing with you and I am asking for a bit of leniency.
I don't think there has been any disagreement in this post. Lin3ar says that the owner of account is fully responsible and that is what I posted before he/she replied. Remix, you also agree that I am responsible. Please acknowledge I don't deny this as a matter of fact, in my first post I fully embrace this, yet my request is for a second chance. I merely gave back story so that it could be clear as to the situation.

Thank you for engaging my ban request.
You are correct, you did take blame for it as you should. Us allowing you to purchase another copy of counterstrike to play in our servers once again is your second chance.
Bump. Wondering if there is a Senior admin that has read my appeal?
There is no leniency or mercy here. Only justice. Thats how our servers remain clean.

Like the others have said. Your account, your responsibility.

Buy a new copy of CSS if you wish to play on our servers again.

We take the Valve stance. Get VAC banned for cheating there is no second chances other than buying a new copy of CS:S.