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Full Version: Greetings
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Hello, my name is Jordan. My in-game username is Rickety Tickery (It's a song title from a techno band). I started playing on your servers not too long ago and what can I say, they are pretty awesome. I recently got back into CS:S after a 3-4 year gap, mainly because I got addicted to World of Warcraft or something like that, and the War-Lords servers seem to always have people on them. I used to be pretty good at counter strike, but you would probably laugh and label me a "noob" now if you watch me play.

A little about myself: I am a college student who loves video games (who doesn't nowadays?). I love just about every genre of video game out there. I also enjoy tons of music (except for some Country and HipHop), movies, tv shows, and outdoor activities, when I'm not getting killed in virtual reality or hitting the books. I'm very laid back and friendly, but I can get a bit too quite sometimes.

This is probably too much info, right? Well, I'll end with a thank you for the servers and keep up the great work!
Welcome To the Forums

I've only been playing CSS for a little over a year, so I have been labeled as "noob" as well. Even though I am playing ESEA now and I had like 15 kills and 3 deaths (de_tuscan).

Yeah, I know. I am amazing.

Btw, I am new to War-Lords too. Haven't scrimmed yet, but I got on one of their servers and it had good registration.
Welcome to the forums (: Enjoy your stay.
And Yeah people Alo label me As A Noob The Only Problem Is I lag :/
Hi Smile! Welcome on forums! Have you tried out all the servers yet?
Pretty similar interests I see, big movie fan, TV shows, outdoor activities, games, music,... Love it all.
Welcome to the forums! Come check us out @ Popular Maps Server 2!