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Full Version: Removal of Rankings in MG Suggestion
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I'll just get straight to the point, I think it would be a good idea to have rankings removed in MG. Im sure its understandable since because one, it's a Mini Game server, and not a competitive type of server. However, sure at some points its competitive because of the maps, Paintball, Smee Tower, Lego Builder, and a bunch of other maps. Secondly, people are taking the rankings way too seriously, therefore they can get carried away at some points. I get carried away and take it too seriously as well. There's not much left to say other than it's a mini game server and it requires no rankings whatsoever, since people are there to enjoy and have a fun time. (sometimes)

This is just a suggestion , nothing more, nothing less.
gameME provides things for us other than just ranking. It allows us to keep track of the players history like game time, chat, past used names, etc. Unfortunately you can't have one without the other.
Matt, post: 93462, member: 178 Wrote:gameME provides things for us other than just ranking. It allows us to keep track of the players history like game time, chat, past used names, etc. Unfortunately you can't have one without the other.

ah i see, okay. Smile
I can agree with this. Instead, how about setting up a timer for course maps? Takes a nice chunk of time to put start/endpoints on maps, but it does make the server more enjoyable.
I, for one don't mind if it gets removed or not. I find that most course, deathrun, and mg_maps where the environment kills you in the server are too unappreciated because most of the time, they require you to lose points, which some people care so much about. Sad that you can't just remove the rankings alone and keep all the other features in gameme.
Matt, post: 93462, member: 178 Wrote:gameME provides things for us other than just ranking. It allows us to keep track of the players history like game time, chat, past used names, etc. Unfortunately you can't have one without the other.
Just disabled it ingame then because some people take the game too serious and a round can take the whole map time to end..

DK, We don't allow racism on the servers nor the forums. This is why you were such a shitty admin and had it revoked. Btw, why do you still lurk on these forums? I can't remember the last time anybody wanted to talk to you.

Oops, accidental flame. Can't help myself with some people...........
If people want to be tryathletes, then let them be (unless they're violating rules by not doing objectives or the like).
well I think this is what happens in 35hp, paintball, and smee
they overplay these maps to keep their ranks
I miss the old days when people played various maps
pTK, post: 93556, member: 2725 Wrote:DK, We don't allow racism on the servers nor the forums. This is why you were such a shitty admin and had it revoked. Btw, why do you still lurk on these forums? I can't remember the last time anybody wanted to talk to you.

Oops, accidental flame. Can't help myself with some people...........
First of all, I use the loanguage I want. If I was or not a shitty admin, at least I was active and using my powers unlike you and some others who get admin and leave the community with the powers. I lurk whenver the hell I want to cuz I bet you wont stop me. Oh, lastly, People do want to talk to me, you that dont have the correct info. If I were you I would watch your back and l2makefriends because your "HDGAY" family aint the shit you think they are.
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