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Full Version: MisterCasual's Admin Application
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[SIZE=12px]Name: [/SIZE][SIZE=12px]MisterCasual[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12px]Steam ID :[/SIZE][SIZE=12px] 0[/SIZE]:0:46526500

[SIZE=12px]Age:[/SIZE][SIZE=12px] 15[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12px]Timezone:[/SIZE][SIZE=12px] EDT[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12px]Availability:[/SIZE][SIZE=12px] 4-10 pm and variable in the morning.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12px]Tell us something about yourself:[/SIZE][SIZE=12px] I love playing tennis, it is my passion I play it competitively and I am very good in school with a 92% average and have hopes to go into medicine.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12px]Reason For Admin Application:[/SIZE][SIZE=12px] I would love to be admin because this chain of servers is basically the only chain of servers I play on and I love having clean of any hackers or spammers and would love to keep a very clean and efficient gaming environment within the server because I would love to see this server chain further thrive in the future. I hope you consider this application in all fairness thank you.[/SIZE]

Edit: I play primarily on the Mini Game and Sniper server and a bit of pop maps #2.
The STEAM ID you have provided (STEAM_ 0:0:46526500) is wrong, it does not show up in our database.
ceddeeoo, post: 95201, member: 9052 Wrote:The STEAM ID you have provided (STEAM_ 0:0:46526500) is wrong, it does not show up in our database.

This ([SIZE=11px]STEAM_0:0:46526500)[/SIZE] is my unique id right off of the gameme website http://wls.gameme.com/playerinfo/910323 ? I am quite confused Where else would I get the ID off of?

EDIT: This is also right off in game css from console: 00:57 147 0 active
# 1887 "MisterCasual" STEAM_0:0:46526500 00:28
Hmm strange I must've had a typo somewhere, got it now.
ceddeeoo, post: 95263, member: 9052 Wrote:Hmm strange I must've had a typo somewhere, got it now.

Alright perfect thanks Smile

Double post

Sorry I made a mistake on this application and it was recently pointed out, I am not applying for a full admin I was solely applying for an admin position on the Minigames server and also if possible the snipers server. I'm sure this will make a difference in the way this will be judged.

Also if it is necessary can the thread title be changed if it needs to be?

Sorry about the mix up!

Good Luck Smile
this guys awesome. I can't say more :p
edit: yes, good luck Smile
Yes. A really nice player, has never done anything against the rules, active..I could write a list.

btw, Casual for president 2014!
edit: gl.
Warden Stillwater, post: 96086, member: 17155 Wrote:this guys awesome. I can't say more :p
edit: yes, good luck Smile

Zillkillyou, post: 96090, member: 17156 Wrote:Yes. A really nice player, has never done anything against the rules, active..I could write a list.

btw, Casual for president 2014!
edit: gl.

Thank you so much guys! I really appreciate it!

Casual For President 2014!
Hey there. How long have you been playing CSS?
Pages: 1 2