Jun 19 2013, 12:28 PM
Name: KZ | DGJ | Jazz
Steam ID : STEAM_0:1:44312894
Age: 20
Timezone: GMT +1
Availability: Depends, usually 2-4 hours everyday.
Tell us something about yourself: I am from Kazakhstan. Was living there until 2011, at that year I moved to Canada in order to study in Waterloo university. After one year moved to the UK and changed University to Lancaster. Nowadays I study there Marketing and Business. Just to mention, I am Night Watch member. Started playing on War-lords servers in 2011 when I moved to Canada. I have over 1200 hours played on cs
and at least 80% of it I spent on wl servers. I used to play by "nice pussy" nickname. Remember good times when I was playing with wOokie, BaNaNaMaN, My MOM and lots of other legit players.
Reason For Admin Application: I play on Office 24/7, popular maps #2 and snipers as well as de_dust2(I play rarely on two last mentioned). I spent much time playing on war-lords, and now I would like to contribute to servers by dealing with racism, mic spammers. I would like to mention that existing admins made a good job by dealing with hackers in last 2 years. In fact, there are less hackers on the servers today then it used to be before. For this reason, today war-lords, in my opinion, is best international server.
Steam ID : STEAM_0:1:44312894
Age: 20
Timezone: GMT +1
Availability: Depends, usually 2-4 hours everyday.
Tell us something about yourself: I am from Kazakhstan. Was living there until 2011, at that year I moved to Canada in order to study in Waterloo university. After one year moved to the UK and changed University to Lancaster. Nowadays I study there Marketing and Business. Just to mention, I am Night Watch member. Started playing on War-lords servers in 2011 when I moved to Canada. I have over 1200 hours played on cs

Reason For Admin Application: I play on Office 24/7, popular maps #2 and snipers as well as de_dust2(I play rarely on two last mentioned). I spent much time playing on war-lords, and now I would like to contribute to servers by dealing with racism, mic spammers. I would like to mention that existing admins made a good job by dealing with hackers in last 2 years. In fact, there are less hackers on the servers today then it used to be before. For this reason, today war-lords, in my opinion, is best international server.