This is the second darkchaosreaper mic spam report i've seen this week lol
Mute and Gag, or 1 month ban

Sorry I couldn't be there to do anything. I am out of state, and I've been getting messages from Neo on chaosreapers behaviour. If he keeps it up when I come back a 1 month silence should help him learn.
I just played with him and i don't think he knows that he's silenced..
Can I post an update.
Was on the server and apparently saying words that may seem offensive is a case.
«ÐarkChaosReaper死神 killed Pawkets with deagle.
«ÐarkChaosReaper死神 : RQ
«ÐarkChaosReaper死神 : F** (censored for reasons)
Warden Stillwater : Don't.
Imperator killed RattleTuna with p90.
«ÐarkChaosReaper死神 : nah
I find that word offensive to some people and while he's not mic spamming, and with no admins online I still believe that he feels it's alright to say those kind of derogatory words. This kind of thing is what causes people to not want to play on servers fairly and nicely!
EDIT: When he says it, other people seem to follow. Is this ok or not?