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[SIZE=12px]Name: [/SIZE][SIZE=12px]Platform[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]Steam ID :[/SIZE][SIZE=12px]STEAM_0:0:65793674[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]Age:[/SIZE][SIZE=12px] 18[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]Timezone:[/SIZE][SIZE=12px] Central Daylight savings time.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]Availability:[/SIZE][SIZE=12px] When ever I'm not sleeping.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]Tell us something about yourself:[/SIZE][SIZE=12px] Just a small town girl(boy) athlete and whatnot, going into college soon.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]Reason For Admin Application:[/SIZE][SIZE=12px] ([/SIZE]READ PLEASE![SIZE=2]) [SIZE=3]It's the same situation where it's little to non admins on the MG server and I personally think it's killing the server. I had everything under control when I was there(seriously, how many report have the server gotten since I was gone?)only because I was the only ACTIVE one. I'm not asking for much, just a Mute, Slay, and Respawn button because that's all you really need. Might be a long shot, but worth it. Thanks for your time![/SIZE][/SIZE]
I feel like i have seen this before. Hai, good luck
_RemiX, post: 97114, member: 3519 Wrote:I feel like i have seen this before. Hai, good luck

Maybe so Tongue
This is exactly why i applied! Good luck!
platform again?
Oh god no please.I don't want to go back to getting kicked in a middle of a round for a reason like "hi neo"
Neo//._., post: 97971, member: 14824 Wrote:Oh god no please.I don't want to go back to getting kicked in a middle of a round for a reason like "hi neo"

/kick neo wasup bruh
if u become admin again imma start making fun of you again