Jul 11 2013, 03:13 AM
Pages: 1 2
Jul 11 2013, 03:29 AM
WL is an international community, which means we allows everyone ( as long as they do not break WL rules ) play on our servers.
Jul 11 2013, 03:38 AM
Other similar threads.
M. Bison, post: 23528, member: 359 Wrote:I'm more worried about players who have high loss/choke than those who have high latency and ping. The players who skip around the map do so not because of latency or ping but rather because of high loss/choke. :eek:[/SIZE]
Spartacus, post: 80644, member: 1060 Wrote:We're saying you can't aim because you're supposed to be at an upperhand with a lower latency.
If you get mad at how a guy with a higher latency is pwning you, it means that you're getting killed by a person who views a "slower response time" on his computer.
In a general sense, high ping user does not affect others in the game.
Issue has been discussed in other forums with a similar response.
Quote:people who think one client with a high ping will lag the rest of the server is seriously dumb as nails, and seriously need to stop playing games period because they bitch about any slight ping. Sure, it will effect the client, but I've heard people claim it lags EVERYONE else. What?
Quote:[SIZE=11px]They do not affect you whatsoever. A ping is simply the time it takes for a packet of data to go from one place to another, a road analogy:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11px](Point a) ----------(100 kilometres)-------- (Point B)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11px]If you are travelling from "Point a" at 100km an hour, it will take you 1 hour to get to "Point b". It's exactly the same with electricity and light ( the main way data is communicated over cable)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11px](computer 1) ----------( 2500 kilometres)-------(computer 2)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11px]Travelling at the speed of light ( 300000000 metres per second in a vacuum, but considerably slower in fibre optic cable ) it will take approximately 0.0083 seconds to get to computer 2, giving a ping of 8ms. Obviously, the speed of light in the fibre optic cable is slower than 3E8, and it can also be "shaped" ( temporarily stored ) by the internet provider before being sent, giving slight ping increases.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11px]CONCLUSION: High ping does not affect anyone else whatsoever, the idiots who vote kick people with high pings are deluded fools.[/SIZE]
Quote:[SIZE=14px]A high ping does NOT effect other players ping time, a total myth that has come around for several reasons.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14px]IF the game you're playing uses ping compensation (timestamped packets) then players who have high pings might use fractionally more CPU time on the server, but this will ONLY effect other players if the server is setup badly, for example if the server has barely any spare cpu cycles left. That is a server setup problem however.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14px]Depending on what game engine a higher ping might mean your position in the map changes more erratically, making you harder to hit, some engines compensate for this by artificially smoothing movement.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14px]Most admins kick high pingers because the effects of ping compensation seem unfair - although they're really not. It seems like sometimes you're shot around corners or through large objects, but this is not what is happening, the ping compensation is fair to the lagger because it allows him to aim at the person it just updates late in the server, the gunfights are still fair, despite what some people think. Its just a lack of understanding of how it works.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14px]But no matter the circumstance, one player lagging does NOT make other players lag, if anyone experiences something that feels like this, its probably a badly setup server, and thats a server problem and numerous other things that cause extra load (such as lots of people in the same area, or other clients connecting) will cause the same problem.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14px]Hope this helps.[/SIZE]
Other similar threads.
Jul 11 2013, 03:45 AM
Ahh I see! Thanks for the response Spartacus! Helped alot

Jul 11 2013, 06:18 AM
The only way high pingers have an advantage are while peeking, you don't see them immediately as they peek , but they suffer a disadvantage like when they hide after peeking , you'll still see them, the same way they can still see you after you peek and hide and sometimes you could get shot behind the walls due to this.
The people with choke or loss are being warned and kicked by admins as they skip around the map...
The people with choke or loss are being warned and kicked by admins as they skip around the map...
Jul 11 2013, 12:24 PM
"not again!" -Laggers
Jul 12 2013, 08:06 AM
Knowpain, post: 97995, member: 1105 Wrote:"not again!" -LaggersSuppose you have a 512 kbps internet or 768 kbps net you shouldn't be playing games like this...
Jul 12 2013, 04:30 PM
I have a 512kbps internet but I have a 175-180ms ping.
Jul 12 2013, 05:13 PM
ping doesn't really depend upon speed
Jul 12 2013, 11:48 PM
It does if their connection (speed) is maxed.
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