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idk why i got banned....my steam id is 0:0:281883300

Player-Silent Kileer(PrO)
Steam ID-STEAM_0:0:281883300
invoked on 13-7-2013
i dont know why i got banned.i always play mini games server.i was playing mini games server and just walked to my kitchen to take chips when i got back it said you are banned go to www.war-lord.net for more info..and i dont know why i was banned..and my rank was 8
Please wait for a root admin to verify this .
who is admin here?btw ill wait

Double post

where r u admins?pls unban me idk wat does eye test violation(roll) and Ban_Evasion means?and i didn't hack..
i cant wait to play..pls reply and be fast Sad