Jul 13 2013, 03:32 PM
hello everyone. firstly, I wanna say thanks to Madness Cat for joining the game I was in so I could test the server.
our new zombie escape server is, imo, unplayable. zombie escape is NOT zombie reloaded but with special maps. I want to suggest some things so this server could become playable.
the biggest problem : Fast Zombie Tweak this zombie and we all can play in the server.
in zombie escape, it is essential for the humans to be able to run from the zombies. yes I know, shoot them. but they're freaking fast, like twice the speed and now you lose focus on the path. I don't mind the heavy, normal, and whatever other zombie types, but making the fast zombie JUST a bit faster than a normal zombie really helps a lot in building the population. People get frustrated overtime because they get infected so easily(by these fast zombies).there's times when you can't just shoot them to make them go away. I don't know the right settings, but if you know nothing about this, ask plaguefest server. their fast zombie is not fast, you won't notice it right away. the mother zombie might be as fast as the fast zombie, so tweak that one too.
2.Unlimited Ammo Having unlimited ammo is unfair, have limited ammo instead.
Yeah, it's way better to have unlimited ammo in ze, because we can slow the zombies down and not worry about reloading. it's true. but it's way way more worser. the zombies will ragequit cuz they can't get the humans. this isn't zombie reloaded, we guard some spots together and not separated, reloading isn't a problem 'cuz we can take turns. fyi, zombie escape maps have been tested to fit limited ammo gameplay, killing bosses and stuffs is just too easy with unlimited ammo. it's no fun and people will go away. I prefer limited ammo gameplay with like 999 spare ammo in ur small pockets rather than unlimited ammo.
3.!Props That's so game-altering. No.
I don't know how it works, but I believe that you spend credits for these !props, which I think is spawning physic models. Wait, so we can just block the entrance with vending freaking machines and like, "let's forget about the zombies and escaping thing, we can chill here and have some snacks from these vending machines forever. ROFL." ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... remove that feature.
4.Zombie infection mechanism You're joking right? No.
I have noticed that, when the zombie infection comes, a random player is chosen and infected insitu. Well, what if the player that leads the way get infected? Everyone runs backwards to escape the infected zombie. Reversing the plot is not funny. So I kindly suggest to add something so when someone/s are infected, they teleport back to spawn. I don't know about the ideal time it takes before infection, but 15 secs is fine if you teleport the mother zombies back to spawn. I don't know how you spawn mother zombies, but I suggest, percentage of people
5.Light and Speedy human Remove them to keep the game balanced.
secrets.uncommon hiding spots. both can be reached / reached easily by using these light and speedy human classes, making the gameplay unfair. it's like, you have to zigzag for 100m using normal human to get to a platform but using the light human, you can reach it almost instantly because you can jump higher to that platform. if some people use the speedy human, they can trigger some events faster than normal ones, leaving normal and light humans behind, and causing some, confusion and panic. There's more reasons not to use these classes which I can't think of, and it's always better together, so I suggest to remove the Light and Speedy human classes from the server.
6.!ztele and !zspawn Use the proper settings.
!ztele is nice, but it's just a big fail if humans can use it. you get teleported back to spawn, and the zombies are all annoyed.disable !ztele for humans and let it be used on zombies. If someone joins late, allow him to !zspawn to be a zombie, not a human, because it's just confusing, some are there some are there some humans are there. If someone dies, let him !zspawn as a zombie, not human, the same as ztele.
7.!zmarket Reconsider about this feature.
You can auto-buy weapons using this feature, hmm... but it can be used to spam weapons and for noReload. wait, you can buy grenades over and over again? not cool... all ze maps usually provide the spawn with buy spots to buy weapons, so I think you don't need this feature after all but give everyone infinite cash or so.
8.!block Douchebaggery is not allowed in here.
So I tried to type !block and it worked, it blocked people. Let's say there's a hallway as narrow as a door, and you typed !block, guess what, everyone votekicks you. If you don't mind, please disable this feature.Thanks.
9.Press E to use free parachutes As I said before, this kind of thing doesn't work.
Parachutes defy gravity, allowing you to airstrafe to impossible-to-reach spots, or get in some places a lot faster.
I highly suggest to remove this feature as it screws up the real gameplay.
If the plugin can't be configured, we won't be able to do anything unless we ask some experienced folks from other ze servers. But here's some links that might help the admins/moderators/whoever that's in charge of ze server. please reconsider and read these threads deeply.
kaemon is a ze mapmaker and he knows everything about this.
i3d is one of the most famous ze servers. http://forum.i3d.net/counter-strike-sour...onfig.html
cs:go, idk if it's the same or not. http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=193883
a quote from kaemon, "[SIZE=12px]I do recommend to take into account that some maps were designed for one setting or the other; so you may be interested in changing your custom settings for a map if your setting is not working with it; or you are getting too many “fail-rounds”."[/SIZE]
seriously, check his post out.
our new zombie escape server is, imo, unplayable. zombie escape is NOT zombie reloaded but with special maps. I want to suggest some things so this server could become playable.
the biggest problem : Fast Zombie Tweak this zombie and we all can play in the server.
in zombie escape, it is essential for the humans to be able to run from the zombies. yes I know, shoot them. but they're freaking fast, like twice the speed and now you lose focus on the path. I don't mind the heavy, normal, and whatever other zombie types, but making the fast zombie JUST a bit faster than a normal zombie really helps a lot in building the population. People get frustrated overtime because they get infected so easily(by these fast zombies).there's times when you can't just shoot them to make them go away. I don't know the right settings, but if you know nothing about this, ask plaguefest server. their fast zombie is not fast, you won't notice it right away. the mother zombie might be as fast as the fast zombie, so tweak that one too.
2.Unlimited Ammo Having unlimited ammo is unfair, have limited ammo instead.
Yeah, it's way better to have unlimited ammo in ze, because we can slow the zombies down and not worry about reloading. it's true. but it's way way more worser. the zombies will ragequit cuz they can't get the humans. this isn't zombie reloaded, we guard some spots together and not separated, reloading isn't a problem 'cuz we can take turns. fyi, zombie escape maps have been tested to fit limited ammo gameplay, killing bosses and stuffs is just too easy with unlimited ammo. it's no fun and people will go away. I prefer limited ammo gameplay with like 999 spare ammo in ur small pockets rather than unlimited ammo.
3.!Props That's so game-altering. No.
I don't know how it works, but I believe that you spend credits for these !props, which I think is spawning physic models. Wait, so we can just block the entrance with vending freaking machines and like, "let's forget about the zombies and escaping thing, we can chill here and have some snacks from these vending machines forever. ROFL." ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... remove that feature.
4.Zombie infection mechanism You're joking right? No.
I have noticed that, when the zombie infection comes, a random player is chosen and infected insitu. Well, what if the player that leads the way get infected? Everyone runs backwards to escape the infected zombie. Reversing the plot is not funny. So I kindly suggest to add something so when someone/s are infected, they teleport back to spawn. I don't know about the ideal time it takes before infection, but 15 secs is fine if you teleport the mother zombies back to spawn. I don't know how you spawn mother zombies, but I suggest, percentage of people
5.Light and Speedy human Remove them to keep the game balanced.
secrets.uncommon hiding spots. both can be reached / reached easily by using these light and speedy human classes, making the gameplay unfair. it's like, you have to zigzag for 100m using normal human to get to a platform but using the light human, you can reach it almost instantly because you can jump higher to that platform. if some people use the speedy human, they can trigger some events faster than normal ones, leaving normal and light humans behind, and causing some, confusion and panic. There's more reasons not to use these classes which I can't think of, and it's always better together, so I suggest to remove the Light and Speedy human classes from the server.
6.!ztele and !zspawn Use the proper settings.
!ztele is nice, but it's just a big fail if humans can use it. you get teleported back to spawn, and the zombies are all annoyed.disable !ztele for humans and let it be used on zombies. If someone joins late, allow him to !zspawn to be a zombie, not a human, because it's just confusing, some are there some are there some humans are there. If someone dies, let him !zspawn as a zombie, not human, the same as ztele.
7.!zmarket Reconsider about this feature.
You can auto-buy weapons using this feature, hmm... but it can be used to spam weapons and for noReload. wait, you can buy grenades over and over again? not cool... all ze maps usually provide the spawn with buy spots to buy weapons, so I think you don't need this feature after all but give everyone infinite cash or so.
8.!block Douchebaggery is not allowed in here.
So I tried to type !block and it worked, it blocked people. Let's say there's a hallway as narrow as a door, and you typed !block, guess what, everyone votekicks you. If you don't mind, please disable this feature.Thanks.
9.Press E to use free parachutes As I said before, this kind of thing doesn't work.
Parachutes defy gravity, allowing you to airstrafe to impossible-to-reach spots, or get in some places a lot faster.
I highly suggest to remove this feature as it screws up the real gameplay.
If the plugin can't be configured, we won't be able to do anything unless we ask some experienced folks from other ze servers. But here's some links that might help the admins/moderators/whoever that's in charge of ze server. please reconsider and read these threads deeply.
kaemon is a ze mapmaker and he knows everything about this.
i3d is one of the most famous ze servers. http://forum.i3d.net/counter-strike-sour...onfig.html
cs:go, idk if it's the same or not. http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=193883
a quote from kaemon, "[SIZE=12px]I do recommend to take into account that some maps were designed for one setting or the other; so you may be interested in changing your custom settings for a map if your setting is not working with it; or you are getting too many “fail-rounds”."[/SIZE]
seriously, check his post out.