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Full Version: I'm sorry-please unban me
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[SIZE=12px]Name: (ivanteo)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]SteamID: ([/SIZE][SIZE=12px]0:0:1181017350)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]Server: (all warlord server)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12px]The in-game name used during the time of ban, [/SIZE][SIZE=12px]sorry it's being a long time not play CSS, can not remember[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]and i have installed a new copy of CSS.[/SIZE]

i have make a mistake previously and was banned
about more than a year ago.
please unban me.
i'm sorry for my action.
i will promise to behave in the game.
your kind understanding and approval will be
greatly appreciated.
thank you so much for your kindness.

Double post

please unban me Sad
Are you still banned? No permanent ban records with that Steam ID. Please wait for a root to respond if you're still banned.
Spartacus, post: 98452, member: 1060 Wrote:Are you still banned? No permanent ban records with that Steam ID.
Nvm. I'm not banned anymore.