I know there are many topics that is about in this same topic, but it's been very annoying that the ''Auto Team Balance'' plugin places all of the good players on the other side and so on, it has been unfair. Also, i would like to add that to disable the players from joining in the other team even though they are already full because of players joining on the winning team so the ATB doesn't do crap.
I beg you remove this.
Agree and disagree. Yes the auto team balance can sometimes be unfair. For example swapping a top frag of the losing team onto the winning team causing a major imbalance of the teams. This had happened quite a few times however for example in minigames cs_paintball map. If your a minigames you would know that the map is very one sided. This will cause members of the losing team to stack on the winning team.
sometimes decent players swap teams to make teams balanced
It is a love hate relationship. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't, but it is worth keeping just for the times it actually works

Without it, a lot of team stacking happens...