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So its been 3 days since my css started crashing , whenever i go to WL Dust, Office , Crackhouse or Zombie reloaded. i dont know how to fix it some1 help me.
Steam or non-steam?
yo monkeyyyyy if ur using nonsteam redownload the game here : css.setti.info fast download
and my steam ID Steam_0:1:65186504
Defragment Game Cache File, It may help.
nope that didnt help. i dont know what to do :*(
Does it happen on any other server?

Try doing a fresh installment (redownloading) of the game, and see if that helps.
no only on WL server and ill try redownloading
Can we be more specific on what happens when it "crashes?" Error message? Does it go black? Screen goes white? etc?

Double post

I'd almost say it is a bad plugin download if it happens only on wL. Let's try deleting the contents of the folders you have in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\"name"\Counter-Strike Source\cstrike\download

Be sure NOT to delete your maps folder. That one should be fine.
yea no error messeges it just crashes
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