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What are you talking about, I am always on. You will most likely find me in any of the servers from #3 and up.
skill isnt based on solo play at all, its based on team play. has anyone ever made anything out of playing by themselves? i'd be glad to scrim any time. let me know. and having a rank on the server doesnt mean shit, ANYONE who just has more time can get up there easily. want examples? look at most of the top 15.

but does any of this really matter? its all opinion based, as soon as someone here makes it into a high ranking team on cevo or esea, then maybe thier point will have a little more backing it. oh, and im on my way this season! good luck if any of you are (not sarcasm)
Hey, I never buy an awp.  I pick one up off the ground from time to time, but that is very rare and I usually throw it on the ground after the round is over.  Also, Coonjr/Sneakysnake made cal-i back when people were actually good at cs. 

Also, that's 400 awp kills out of like 15k kills.  My weapons stats didn't wipe when I reset rank.
Ban should be over, can we be done with topic please ^_^
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