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Full Version: Sneaaaky Fucking Sniper - Minigames Application
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Name: Wilson
Steam ID :
STEAM_0:1:42482202 Age: 14
Timezone: UTC+10:00
Availability: Depends, Usually pretty available unless i'm doing school assignments etc. School days, 4pm - 12am
Weekends 9am - 2am
Tell us something about yourself: I'm a pretty genuine guy, against racism & discrimination. Always open to other peoples opinions. I've only recently purchased CS:S, As i was nosteam for 2 years. I've always enjoyed playing on all the wL servers. Mainly, multigames,sniper,24/7 deathmatch & Multi'Mod.
Reason for application: I believe i'd be a decent admin, and filter out racists. Which now there seems to be too many on this server.

Always use my mic.
[Image: chuck-norris-approves-o.gif]
Sneaky is a great admin to have around, during the night time whens everyone off. I support! Goodluck.
I see a great potency from this man. good luck.
mar_heave, post: 99661, member: 1302 Wrote:I see a great potency from this man. good luck.

Double post

What part of my application doesn't reach the requirements? If its game time, I only recently purchased steam CSS. And all my game time is on my no steam account. I've played on warlords for 2-3 years. Smile

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My nosteam account it has around 30 days on warlords servers.
i wish you great luck again, i hope this will greatly increase your chances!
Private Toast, post: 100173, member: 15047 Wrote:i wish you great luck again, i hope this will greatly increase your chances!
Thanks toast.

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I have alot more time on my nosteam id.
but i have enough hours on my steam id now.
Good Luck Sneaky Smile
ۣ|ƒ+ ๖Bℓσσ∂ | Z.o.n.E, post: 102255, member: 17500 Wrote:Good Luck Sneaky Smile
Thanks zone.
Good luck man (:
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