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Full Version: Martinez- King of the mic Spammers
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Player name: martinez
Demo link: http://www.mediafire.com/?6pm1i5ffn1ikkwk

martinez spams his mic like crazy he has been muted twice once for an hour and another for a day. and he still doesnt stop.
I have included a demo and it records him blowing into his mic. He also usually screams into it too which is annoying.
This guy so annoying
He is quite adorable but he still mic spams so bad
He got cyberbullied like crazy last time i saw him.
All he needs is a week long gag. He isn't completely at fault for some of the actions he's done. You guys egg him on and do shit to him to make him do what he does. Just gag him for a week and leave it at that. Y'all are blowing the mic spam shit way out of proportion.