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Full Version: !ignore Command - Pop Maps #2
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Hi Guys,
Has there been any recent changes to the
!ignore command on popular maps 2 server?

People placed on ignore seem to be unmuted when a reconnect or map change is occuring?

Not sure how but , it's off putting when mic spammers are blasting their mic's.

As far as I know that command is only suppose to work until map change. So you will have to rinse and repeat the process if they continue their behavior. If it gets out of hand, record a demo and place it here and we will review it for a comm ban.
The !ignore cmd should be permanent.

mAgneTiK, post: 101377, member: 9809 Wrote:People placed on ignore seem to be unmuted when a reconnect or map change is occuring?
It's probably conflicting with the alltalk on map end plugin. Also, it takes a little while to lookup ignores when they connect.

How much of a problem are these issues?
M. Bison, post: 101392, member: 359 Wrote:The !ignore cmd should be permanent.

It's probably conflicting with the alltalk on map end plugin. Also, it takes a little while to lookup ignores when they connect.

How much of a problem are these issues?

Well M. Bison I am a known mic spammer and therefore love to spam my mic and I hate people bitching and complaining about me being unmuted every time the map changes so if they could just use the command once so I could just relentlessly mic spam on whoever isn't smart enough to use it I would appreciate it. #sarcasm

In all seriousness however, it's not that bad. It's much better than the original muting players option and works more efficiently as well. It may be every time that the server resets or just specific maps but for the most part it works pretty damn well.
if the !ignore command doesn't work for you, then select the playerlist option from the gamemenu and mute them from there.
good suggestions , but people are getting around !ignore player mutes , map changed to tides & a guy I ignored last map was unmuted.

I'm a sound player so it affects me more than most I'm guessing
voice_enable 0 in console.. Thats all I've got :/
voice_enable 0
wouldn't be practical for team strats , great idea in general though , but who wants to mute a team for one or two mic spammers?

Double post

Has there been any outcome to this issue yet?
As soon as maps change !ignore list looks to be completely wiped.[DOUBLEPOST=1378877287]
I'm looking into it.
damn right you better be! Nah, take your time. As a matter of fact go ahead and put that at the bottom of your list. Y'all have a good night.
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