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Full Version: Devious Apology
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Name: 2DeViouS
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:4839096
Server: All of them

Okay I know this happened a few months ago and I should have made this earlier but I wanted to deeply apologize for the way that I acted... it was incredibly childish and I should have handled it different. Although I still stand by that my ban should never have happened (the first one that is). Anyways I want to apologize to ruplayer, RemiX, and anyone else I may have inflicted my rage upon.

I know that I probably won't get unbanned but I felt that I needed to say this because the way I left probably stuck in peoples heads and that is not the kind of person I am.

Anyways, I still love a lot of you (you know who you are XD)
Go eat your mac and cheese.
DVS should be forgived...he is a very nice guy...just played with him in another server.... <3
Please read the following post then edit your original post with the required information.

wait you're not VAC'd yet ?
ceddeeoo, post: 101425, member: 9052 Wrote:wait you're not VAC'd yet ?
he is a awesome player with mad skills.....and also a great guy to Play with....and its me only who advised him to make an aPology
Shokkk, post: 101442, member: 16525 Wrote:he is a awesome player with mad skills.....and also a great guy to Play with....and its me only who advised him to make an aPology

DVS used blatant cheats and got banned off ESEA and CEVO, actually got a few of our ESEA csgo open matches overturned......
ceddeeoo, post: 101468, member: 9052 Wrote:DVS used blatant cheats and got banned off ESEA and CEVO, actually got a few of our ESEA csgo open matches overturned......

I didn't get banned from CEVO lol
CEVO|Spangler Wrote:Users from GET SILLY were banned for Illegal Server/Client Customizations
ahhh cheaters!! :eek: