FYI, I did say, in Admin chat, prior to the mute, "Mic spamming is getting outta control..." When you told me I had to give you a verbal warning prior to muting you, I simply responded that the MOTD is your warning. That is when I believe you responded with, "Power corrupts".
From my end, you were yelling in the mic, constantly keying up, and got a day mute.
Mic Spam, ignoring objectives, and admin disrespect in MG is rampant and out of control. There are many players of MG who are being chased off by the loud, cussing, and overbearing personalities on there. Follow the rules. It's pretty simple.
Masterful1, post: 101502, member: 3284 Wrote:FYI, I did say, in Admin chat, prior to the mute, "Mic spamming is getting outta control..." When you told me I had to give you a verbal warning prior to muting you, I simply responded that the MOTD is your warning. That is when I believe you responded with, "Power corrupts".
From my end, you were yelling in the mic, constantly keying up, and got a day mute.
Mic Spam, ignoring objectives, and admin disrespect in MG is rampant and out of control. There are many players of MG who are being chased off by the loud, cussing, and overbearing personalities on there. Follow the rules. It's pretty simple.
That wasn't directed at me. There were many, many people talking over mic. I didn't feel like I was the culprit of said mic spam or the one being subtly asked to stop. I only said that phrase a few times. Once or twice a round for a few rounds. Not spam in my book.
At no point did I yell, but I will give you that one because I do not have demo proof and tie goes to the admin. But if there are a flurry of people "yelling over the mics", why am I the one to get punished out of them all? If you want to do the job that strict, do it right and reprimand everyone who was doing the deed.
Ignored objectives? I played the map. Stay alive from the falling blocks and then to the randomized map after. I did everything there. That does not warrant a mute. Admin disrespect? I can see how "Power corrupts" could be considering disrespect. I felt slighted and wronged. That's that. I'm sorry if it hurt your feelings.
I rarely yell in the server. I almost never cuss. I can be overbearing or talkative. But that is up to the players themselves to handle with ignore or asking me to stop because I never do anything that requires an admin to step in and take over. I just talk. Like half of the other loud, talkative, obnoxious and/or nice people on the server. I follow the rules. And scaring people away? I rarely see scared/offended people on the server, but to every person who ignores me or tells me I am annoying, I have four others telling me I am awesome, or funny, or whatever positive comment you want to insert here. I add to the server, not take away from it. If you want to lump me with annoying loud mouths, so be it, but do not tell me I am the reason the server loses players because it is quite the opposite.
The ignored objectives and admin disrespect was pointed at the server in general, not at anything you said. Those particular things get instant bans.
I am not going to argue with you further on this. You did it. You got muted for a day. If you want, navigate to the Ban Appeal section, read the Guidelines, and post an Appeal. As far as this thread goes, wait for further response from a Senior or Root Admin.
My point isn't to argue, but debate why such a thing happened, why the severity of my punishment was that large for what "I did", and why I was the only one punished. I will wait for a Senior Admin.
Silly brokenhope. They are just going to wait till the mute is lifted due to it expiring and than say it's expired and not do anything about it. Don't you know how it goes around here?
So when we don't do our jobs we get.
"Admins don't do shit to monitor the server"
And when we do our jobs
The new MG regulars need to make up their minds.
Yuri The Sailor, post: 101530, member: 14856 Wrote:So when we don't do our jobs we get.
"Admins don't do shit to monitor the server"
And when we do our jobs
The new MG regulars need to make up their minds.
I've been a regular for awhile. I've seen you do questionable things yourself but you always have a good reason or proof to back up your ban, mute, etc. I just want answers at this point. Not even action for abuse on Ez target.
And when people say Admins need to monitor the server, it is usually when there are people holding their mics open and screaming over mic for 20 min straight and nothing is done.(The funny thing is they usually get muted for only an hour). That is what ignore is for, but thats how people feel. Admins do their job all the time, but people do not remember that, they only remember the times when an Admin oversteps the boundaries and overpunishes, wrongfully punishes, or just outright abuses their power for no reason.
And therein lies the difference of opinion between us. What you call "overpunishing", or "wrongfully punishes". That is in the eye of the beholder. It is up to the Admin to determine what is punishable and by how much. I am, admittedly, more strict than other Admins about certain things. I don't do mutes for just a few minutes. Racism or Admin Disrespect are things I don't have tolerance for. Some Admins do small increments on increasing punishments. Mine are usually : 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, Permanent. I make notes on my Bans / Comms punishments so there is a history. I enforce the rules, PERIOD. Someone blasting an Eminem song that I like will get a mute just as fast as someone just yelling into the mic. It's not personal. I am on the server as a player, until someone forces me to put on the Admin hat and issue a punishment of one type or another. I would prefer to just play and have fun.
Masterful1, post: 101539, member: 3284 Wrote:I would prefer to just play and have fun.
Except when you decide that SOMEONE needs to be punished and you don't know who to do it to so you just pick a name you're familiar with. That's the part that gets me.
PfuckingS: Myself and Magoo both got 24 hour mutes right off the bat. So much for increments.
This is going absolutely nowhere.