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Full Version: cl_cmdrate abusers/rate exploiters
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I'd like to bring this issue to light as it seems to be rather popular to use on your servers, or at least, the Crackhouse DM server I frequent.

For those who don't know about the cmdrate exploit: setting the cmdrate low enough causes a player to appear jittery and warp across the screen. Now couple that with the already large pings and you have people who are almost unkillable. I say almost because I can still re-interpolate them by eye and have become acclimated to the exploit. Even then they still cause alot of wtf moments.

You can spot these people in the scoreboard because it causes their latency to read as 5 or even 1 ... even though they just connected from halfway around the globe. Of course the "status" command still gives a correct printout of everyone's real pings, which is another way to confirm when ppl are rate exploiting. It is not uncommon to look at the scoreboard and see a few people exploiting, I'll even go as far to say I've never played on here without at least 1 person exploiting.

Please, would you guys find it reasonable to enforce a minimum cmdrate of at least say 33 or higher?
cl_cmdnum is locked to 66
I think its nosteamers with the ridiculous rates. I remember installing nosteam and the registry was so off compared to when I used my usual rates:
cl_cmdrate 66; cl_updaterate 66; rate 30000; cl_interp_0.0333; cl_interp_ratio 1

I can't remember the rates nosteam has preset tho. They aren't exploiting it, most nosteamers are newbies that wouldn't know about rates. Their configs come together with the game, and their rates are messed up
The rates are locked. It doesn't matter what they have their values set at. They lag because of high ping and/or low fps.
M. Bison, post: 101519, member: 359 Wrote:The rates are locked. It doesn't matter what they have their values set at. They lag because of high ping and/or low fps.

it does matter what their values are, imagine a 300 ping nosteamer with cl_interp 0.2, cl_interp_ratio 2, rate 1000000
We can actually lag on purpose? :o