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I was searching through the forums today and have noticed over the past week or two; quite a few people have posted about their interest about League of Legends.

This post is mainly to the higher-ups in (WL) that can make such a change happen.

I wanted to suggest that (WL) possibly branch out into such games as League of Legends and maybe even have set teams and tryouts for these teams. Seeing as how this game is rapidly growing and has the potential to take over other games such as World of Warcraft(not an easy feat) I was thinking it might be at least a good idea to think about it?

I realize that b.sprout already briefly touched on this subject here: http://war-lords.net/threads/moba-divisi...post-23413

I thought it might be at least something interesting to talk about.
I'd be interested in an MMO part of wL, but still waiting to see the release of Elder Scroll Online.
As for LoL, I know there are a few players in the wL community that play it. I can't stand it though.
y u no play!
Hamaerox, post: 102126, member: 17454 Wrote:y u no play!
Not quite my cup of tea.