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Full Version: Admin Application Media
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Name: Media
Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:948226138
Age: 17
Tell us something about yourself: Im 6'6", male, my name is Nicolas Caesar Zuno, Mexican-German, You probably know me from Battle.net (aka: Media, Nicolas, Nick), I really love Counter-Strike: Source and I am a dedicated player just ask anyone I'm one of the most active people that play! and most importantly I like making people happy
Reason For Admin Application: Whenever I'm online I see admins leaving the server and as they are leaving hackers join the server and spam microphones and all that other annoying stuff.
Thank you for your admin application. We will be evaluating it soon, and respond as soon as possible.
Media 24/7 admin nerd woot! that's great.. yay eh

We(as in M. Bison and I) have decided to put you on "Admin Probation" because your application was quite difficult to evaluate. This means that any admin abuse coming from you will get you immediately sacked; it's a zero tolerance policy for you. I personally will be keeping a close eye on all your chat logs and admin use records to make sure you stay clean.

Please read the  War-Lords Administrators' Handbook before you execute any admin commands on the servers.