(wL) Forums

Full Version: Ooooh so this is what Night Watch is....
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I don't get it. HEY wanteD! I honestly thought wanteD was the only member till I saw bill nose. so NW is a clan inside a WL? A clan inside a clan?
did you mean wL is a clan? I hope not, because as far as I'm concerned there are beta, night watch, hdk, and angry animals only in wL forums
(wL) is not a clan , its the community that Night Watch belongs to! Who are you anyway?
Ok thanks for educating me. As far as who I am if u dont recognize zExpliSit or EffiGee`1HP then dont worry about it I guess I got the wrong person confused. anyways sorry to bother u
Nope, we don't exist. We are a figment of your imagination. Nothing to see here.... Move along....Cool
that makes no sense
Perfect. Rolleyes
didn't expect this, berated by nerds. wanteD was always so chill in scrims how odd
You walked into that one when you posted this thread!
hows that? I know nothing about wL or any of you people except the little Ive inferred whilest scrimming. I never paid much attention to the wL pubs
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