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Ooooh so this is what Night Watch is....
I don't get it. HEY wanteD! I honestly thought wanteD was the only member till I saw bill nose. so NW is a clan inside a WL? A clan inside a clan?
did you mean wL is a clan? I hope not, because as far as I'm concerned there are beta, night watch, hdk, and angry animals only in wL forums
mar_heave : Which David is performing some testing on the server?
M. Bison :That'd be me. I'm testing ways to destroy the server. :eek:

Ever played in PlagueFest server
[Image: 2dgqm84.png]
[Image: dejxg5dm1cglfstk5w.png]
(wL) is not a clan , its the community that Night Watch belongs to! Who are you anyway?
[Image: 1049012_101.png][Image: WANTED_1.jpg]
Ok thanks for educating me. As far as who I am if u dont recognize zExpliSit or EffiGee`1HP then dont worry about it I guess I got the wrong person confused. anyways sorry to bother u
Nope, we don't exist. We are a figment of your imagination. Nothing to see here.... Move along....Cool
[Image: 552360_101.png]
that makes no sense
Perfect. Rolleyes
[Image: 552360_101.png]
didn't expect this, berated by nerds. wanteD was always so chill in scrims how odd
You walked into that one when you posted this thread!
[Image: 61kfgjqll7.jpg]
[Image: cucubelu2.jpg]
[Image: 801768_101.png]
Former Stargate Worlds International Moderator
hows that? I know nothing about wL or any of you people except the little Ive inferred whilest scrimming. I never paid much attention to the wL pubs
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